Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SampleSet |
PointSet.getOrCreateSampleSet(Graph graph) |
SampleSet |
PointSet.getSampleSet(Graph g)
gets a sample set for a graph object -- does not require graph service to be set
Constructor and Description |
GeometryIndex(Graph graph) |
TemplateTile(TileRequest req,
Graph graph) |
Constructor and Description |
IsoChroneSPTRendererRecursiveGrid(Graph graph) |
SampleFactory(Graph graph) |
SampleGridRenderer(Graph graph) |
TileCache(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ConvertToFrequency.apply(List<FrequencyEntry> frequencyEntries,
List<TripTimes> scheduledTrips,
Graph graph,
BitSet servicesRunning,
RaptorWorkerTimetable.BoardingAssumption assumption) |
void |
AddTripPattern.materialize(Graph graph)
Create temporary stops associated with the given graph.
Constructor and Description |
OTPHttpHandler(Graph graph) |
Constructor and Description |
RouterInfo(String routerId,
Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<WalkStep> |
GraphPathToTripPlanConverter.generateWalkSteps(Graph graph,
State[] states,
WalkStep previous,
Locale requestedLocale)
Converts a list of street edges to a list of turn-by-turn directions.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
StreetUtils.pruneFloatingIslands(Graph graph,
int maxIslandSize,
int islandWithStopMaxSize,
String islandLogName) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry |
GraphUtils.makeBuffer(Graph graph) |
static org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry |
GraphUtils.makeConcaveHull(Graph graph) |
static org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry |
GraphUtils.makeConvexHull(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Graph |
GraphBuilder.getGraph() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AnnotationsToHTML.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static HashSet<Graph> |
StreetSplitter.graphsWithSplitters |
Constructor and Description |
SampleStopLinker(Graph graph) |
StreetSplitter(Graph graph)
Construct a new StreetSplitter.
StreetSplitter(Graph graph,
HashGridSpatialIndex<Edge> hashGridSpatialIndex,
org.locationtech.jts.index.SpatialIndex transitStopIndex)
Construct a new StreetSplitter.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GraphStatisticsModule.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
void |
PruneFloatingIslands.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
void |
EmbedConfig.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
void |
TransitToTaggedStopsModule.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
void |
GraphCoherencyCheckerModule.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
void |
DirectTransferGenerator.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
void |
GtfsModule.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
void |
StreetLinkerModule.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
void |
StopsAlerts.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
void |
CheckGeometryModule.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
Constructor and Description |
NearbyStopFinder(Graph graph,
double radiusMeters)
Construct a NearbyStopFinder for the given graph and search radius, choosing whether to search via the street
network or straight line distance based on the presence of OSM street data in the graph.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
BikeParkModule.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
void |
BikeRentalModule.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
Constructor and Description |
StreetMatcher(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ElevationModule.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
void |
NEDGridCoverageFactoryImpl.fetchData(Graph graph)
Verify that the needed elevation data exists in the cache and if it does not exist, try to download it.
void |
GeotiffGridCoverageFactoryImpl.fetchData(Graph graph)
Nothing to do here.
void |
NEDDownloader.fetchData(Graph graph,
File cacheDirectory) |
void |
DegreeGridNEDTileSource.fetchData(Graph graph,
File cacheDirectory) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
OpenStreetMapModule.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
static StreetTraversalPermission |
OSMFilter.getPermissionsForWay(OSMWay way,
StreetTraversalPermission def,
Graph graph) |
static StreetTraversalPermission |
OSMFilter.getPermissionsForWay(OSMWay way,
StreetTraversalPermission def,
Graph graph,
boolean banDiscouragedWalking,
boolean banDiscouragedBiking)
Computes permissions for an OSMWay.
void |
PortlandCustomNamer.postprocess(Graph graph) |
Constructor and Description |
Handler(Graph graph,
OSMDatabase osmdb) |
WalkableAreaBuilder(Graph graph,
OSMDatabase osmdb,
WayPropertySet wayPropertySet,
StreetEdgeFactory edgeFactory,
OpenStreetMapModule.Handler handler) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ShapefileStreetModule.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
TransitType.fulfillDemands(TransitStop ts,
Graph graph) |
abstract boolean |
AbstractStopTester.fulfillDemands(TransitStop ts,
Graph graph) |
boolean |
IStopTester.fulfillDemands(TransitStop ts,
Graph graph) |
boolean |
UnconnectedStop.fulfillDemands(TransitStop ts,
Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GraphBuilderModule.buildGraph(Graph graph,
GraphBuilderModuleSummary graphBuilderModuleSummary)
Process whatever inputs were supplied to this module and add the resulting elements to the given graph.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ElevationGridCoverageFactory.fetchData(Graph graph)
Sets the graph of the factory and initiates the fetching of data that is not present in the cache
void |
NEDTileSource.fetchData(Graph graph,
File cacheDirectory)
Fetches all of the required data and stores it in the specified cache directory.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CustomNamer.postprocess(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Graph |
The graph being processed
Constructor and Description |
TileRendererManager(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry> |
AnalysisUtils.getComponentPolygons(Graph graph,
RoutingRequest options,
long time)
Get polygons covering the components of the graph.
static DisjointSet<Vertex> |
AnalysisUtils.getConnectedComponents(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Graph |
WithGraph.getGraph() |
Constructor and Description |
WithGraph(Graph graph,
Object object) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Graph |
RoundBasedProfileRouter.graph |
Graph |
ProfileRouter.graph |
Graph |
AnalystProfileRouterPrototype.graph |
Graph |
RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter.graph |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
---|---| |
RaptorWorkerData.findStopsNear(ShortestPathTree spt,
Graph graph,
boolean useTimes,
float walkSpeed)
find stops from a given SPT, including temporary stops.
static RaptorWorkerTimetable |
RaptorWorkerTimetable.forPattern(Graph graph,
TripPattern pattern,
TimeWindow window,
Scenario scenario,
TaskStatistics ts)
This is a factory function rather than a constructor to avoid calling the super constructor for rejected patterns.
static RaptorWorkerData |
RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter.getRaptorWorkerData(ProfileRequest request,
Graph graph,
SampleSet sampleSet,
TaskStatistics ts)
Create RAPTOR worker data from a graph, profile request and sample set (the last of which may be null
PropagatedTimesStore |
RaptorWorker.runRaptor(Graph graph, accessTimes,
int[] nonTransitTimes,
TaskStatistics ts) |
Constructor and Description |
AnalystProfileRouterPrototype(Graph graph,
ProfileRequest request) |
ProfileRouter(Graph graph,
ProfileRequest request) |
PropagatedTimesStore(Graph graph,
ProfileRequest req) |
PropagatedTimesStore(Graph graph,
ProfileRequest req,
int size) |
RaptorWorkerData(Graph graph,
TimeWindow window,
ProfileRequest request) |
RaptorWorkerData(Graph graph,
TimeWindow window,
ProfileRequest request,
SampleSet sampleSet) |
RaptorWorkerData(Graph graph,
TimeWindow window,
ProfileRequest req,
SampleSet sampleSet,
TaskStatistics ts)
Create RaptorWorkerData to be used to build ResultSets directly without creating an intermediate SampleSet
RaptorWorkerData(Graph graph,
TimeWindow window,
ProfileRequest request,
TaskStatistics ts)
Create RaptorWorkerData for the given window and graph
RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter(Graph graph,
ProfileRequest request)
RepeatedRaptorProfileRouter(Graph graph,
ProfileRequest request,
SampleSet sampleSet)
Make a router to use for making ResultSets.
RoundBasedProfileRouter(Graph graph,
ProfileRequest request) |
StopTreeCache(Graph graph,
int maxWalkMeters) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AlertPatch.apply(Graph graph) |
void |
AlertPatch.remove(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Collection<Edge> |
GraphLibrary.getIncomingEdges(Graph graph,
Vertex tov,
Map<Vertex,List<Edge>> extraEdges) |
static Collection<Edge> |
GraphLibrary.getOutgoingEdges(Graph graph,
Vertex fromv,
Map<Vertex,List<Edge>> extraEdges) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Graph |
RoutingContext.graph |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RoutingRequest.setDummyRoutingContext(Graph graph)
Used in internals API.
void |
RoutingRequest.setRoutingContext(Graph graph) |
void |
RoutingRequest.setRoutingContext(Graph graph,
Collection<Vertex> temporaryVertices) |
void |
RoutingRequest.setRoutingContext(Graph graph,
Edge fromBackEdge,
Vertex from,
Vertex to)
For use in tests.
void |
RoutingRequest.setRoutingContext(Graph graph,
String from,
String to)
For use in tests.
void |
RoutingRequest.setRoutingContext(Graph graph,
Vertex from,
Vertex to) |
Constructor and Description |
OverlayGraph(Graph g)
Copy contents of a Graph into this OverlayGraph
RoutingContext(RoutingRequest routingRequest,
Graph graph)
Constructor that automatically computes origin/target from RoutingRequest.
RoutingContext(RoutingRequest routingRequest,
Graph graph,
Collection<Vertex> temporaryVertices)
Constructor that automatically computes origin/target from RoutingRequest, and sets the
context's temporary vertices.
RoutingContext(RoutingRequest routingRequest,
Graph graph,
Vertex from,
Vertex to)
Constructor that takes to/from vertices as input.
ServiceDay(Graph graph,
long time,
CalendarService cs,
String agencyId) |
ServiceDay(Graph graph,
ServiceDate serviceDate,
CalendarService cs,
String agencyId) |
ServiceDay(Graph graph,
ServiceDate serviceDate,
CalendarService cs,
TimeZone timeZone) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
AreaEdgeList.addVertex(IntersectionVertex newVertex,
Graph graph)
Safely add a vertex to this area.
protected List<TurnRestriction> |
StreetEdge.getTurnRestrictions(Graph graph) |
protected List<TurnRestriction> |
TemporaryPartialStreetEdge.getTurnRestrictions(Graph graph)
Have the turn restrictions of their parent.
protected List<TurnRestriction> |
PartialStreetEdge.getTurnRestrictions(Graph graph)
Have the turn restrictions of their parent.
void |
TripPattern.makePatternVerticesAndEdges(Graph graph,
Map<Stop,? extends TransitStationStop> transitStops)
Create the PatternStop vertices and PatternBoard/Hop/Dwell/Alight edges corresponding to a
void |
DummyableEdge.replaceDummyVertices(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PatternHopFactory.linkStopsToParentStations(Graph graph)
Links the vertices representing parent stops to their child stops bidirectionally.
void | graph)
Generate the edges.
Constructor and Description |
TransferGraphLinker(Graph graph)
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Graph |
GtfsFlexGraphModifier.graph |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
FlexIndex.init(Graph graph) |
Constructor and Description |
DeviatedRouteGraphModifier(Graph graph) |
FlagStopGraphModifier(Graph graph) |
GtfsFlexGraphModifier(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Graph |
GraphIndex.graph |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Graph |
Graph.load(File file) |
static Graph |
Graph.load(InputStream in) |
Constructor and Description |
Graph(Graph basedOn) |
GraphIndex(Graph graph) |
Vertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y) |
Vertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
I18NString name) |
Constructor and Description |
AlertPatchServiceImpl(Graph graph) |
MemoryGraphSource(String routerId,
Graph graph)
Create an in-memory graph source.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
static HashSet<Graph> |
StreetVertexIndexService.graphsWithStreetVertexIndexServices |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TemporaryStreetLocation |
StreetVertexIndexService.createTemporaryStreetLocation(Graph graph,
String label,
I18NString name,
Iterable<StreetEdge> edges,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate nearestPoint,
boolean endVertex)
Creates a TemporaryStreetLocation on the given street (set of PlainStreetEdges).
Constructor and Description |
StreetVertexIndexService(Graph graph)
Construct a new StreetVertexIndexService using the given graph.
Constructor and Description |
BarrierVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
long nodeId) |
BikeParkVertex(Graph g,
BikePark bikePark) |
BikeRentalStationVertex(Graph g,
BikeRentalStation station) |
CarRentalStationVertex(Graph g,
CarRentalStation station) |
ElevatorOffboardVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
String name) |
ElevatorOnboardVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
String name) |
ExitVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
long nodeId) |
IntersectionVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y) |
IntersectionVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
I18NString name) |
IntersectionVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
String name) |
OffboardVertex(Graph graph,
String label,
Stop stop) |
OnboardVertex(Graph g,
String label,
TripPattern tripPattern,
Stop stop) |
OsmVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
long nodeId) |
OsmVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
long nodeId,
I18NString name) |
ParkAndRideVertex(Graph g,
String label,
String id,
double x,
double y,
I18NString name) |
PatternArriveVertex(Graph g,
TripPattern pattern,
int stopIndex)
constructor for table trip patterns
PatternArriveVertex(Graph g,
TripPattern pattern,
int stopIndex,
Stop stop)
constructor for temporary trip patterns
PatternDepartVertex(Graph g,
TripPattern pattern,
int stopIndex)
constructor for table trip patterns
PatternDepartVertex(Graph g,
TripPattern pattern,
int stopIndex,
Stop stop)
constructor for temporary trip patterns
PatternStopVertex(Graph g,
String label,
TripPattern tripPattern,
Stop stop) |
RentalStationVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
I18NString name) |
SampleVertex(Graph g,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate c) |
SemiPermanentSplitterVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
StreetEdge streetEdge) |
SplitterVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
StreetEdge streetEdge) |
StreetVertex(Graph g,
String label,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate coord,
I18NString streetName) |
StreetVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
I18NString streetName) |
TransitStation(Graph graph,
Stop stop) |
TransitStationStop(Graph graph,
Stop stop) |
TransitStop(Graph graph,
Stop stop) |
TransitStopArrive(Graph g,
Stop stop,
TransitStop stopVertex) |
TransitStopDepart(Graph graph,
Stop stop,
TransitStop stopVertex) |
TransitStopStreetVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
long nodeId,
String name,
String stopCode) |
TransitVertex(Graph graph,
String label,
Stop stop) |
VehicleRentalStationVertex(Graph g,
VehicleRentalStation station) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Graph |
OtpsIndividual.graph |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Graph |
Router.graph |
Constructor and Description |
Router(String id,
Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
PollingGraphUpdater.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config)
Shared configuration code for all polling graph updaters.
void |
JsonConfigurable.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode jsonNode) |
protected abstract void |
PollingGraphUpdater.configurePolling(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config)
Mirrors GraphUpdater.configure method.
void | graph)
This function is executed to modify the graph.
void |
GraphUpdater.setup(Graph graph)
Here the updater can be initialized.
static void |
GraphUpdaterConfigurator.setupGraph(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode mainConfig) |
static void |
GraphUpdaterConfigurator.shutdownGraph(Graph graph) |
Constructor and Description |
GraphUpdaterManager(Graph graph)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
GtfsRealtimeAlertsUpdater.configurePolling(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
void |
GtfsRealtimeAlertsUpdater.setup(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
KmlBikeParkDataSource.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
protected void |
BikeParkUpdater.configurePolling(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
void |
BikeParkUpdater.setup(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GenericJsonBikeRentalDataSource.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode jsonNode)
Note that the JSON being passed in here is for configuration of the OTP component, it's completely separate
from the JSON coming in from the update source.
void |
GenericKmlBikeRentalDataSource.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
void |
GbfsBikeRentalDataSource.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode jsonNode)
Note that the JSON being passed in here is for configuration of the OTP component, it's completely separate
from the JSON coming in from the update source.
void |
CityBikesBikeRentalDataSource.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
void |
GenericXmlBikeRentalDataSource.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
void |
BicimadBikeRentalDataSource.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode jsonNode)
Note that the JSON being passed in here is for configuration of the OTP component, it's completely separate
from the JSON coming in from the update source.
protected void |
BikeRentalUpdater.configurePolling(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
void |
BikeRentalUpdater.setup(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Car2GoCarRentalDataSource.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode jsonNode) |
protected void |
CarRentalUpdater.configurePolling(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
void |
CarRentalUpdater.setup(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ExampleGraphUpdater.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
protected void |
ExamplePollingGraphUpdater.configurePolling(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
void |
ExampleGraphUpdater.setup(Graph graph) |
void |
ExamplePollingGraphUpdater.setup(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TimetableSnapshotSource.applyTripUpdates(Graph graph,
boolean fullDataset,
List<GtfsRealtime.TripUpdate> updates,
String feedId)
Method to apply a trip update list to the most recent version of the timetable snapshot.
void |
GtfsRealtimeFileTripUpdateSource.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
void |
GtfsRealtimeHttpTripUpdateSource.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
void |
WebsocketGtfsRealtimeUpdater.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
void |
PollingStoptimeUpdater.configurePolling(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
TripPattern |
TripPatternCache.getOrCreateTripPattern(StopPattern stopPattern,
Route route,
Graph graph)
Get cached trip pattern or create one if it doesn't exist yet.
void | graph) |
void |
PollingStoptimeUpdater.setup(Graph graph) |
void |
WebsocketGtfsRealtimeUpdater.setup(Graph graph) |
Constructor and Description |
TimetableSnapshotSource(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Graph |
WFSNotePollingGraphUpdater.graph |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
WFSNotePollingGraphUpdater.configurePolling(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config)
Here the updater can be configured using the properties in the file ''.
void |
WFSNotePollingGraphUpdater.setup(Graph graph)
Setup the WFS data source and add the DynamicStreetNotesSource to the graph
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TransportationNetworkCompanyUpdater.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
void |
TransportationNetworkCompanyUpdater.setup(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GenericGbfsService.configure(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config)
Note that the JSON being passed in here is for configuration of the OTP component, it's completely separate
from the JSON coming in from the update source.
protected void |
VehicleRentalUpdater.configurePolling(Graph graph,
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode config) |
void |
VehicleRentalUpdater.setup(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<TravelOption> |
TravelOptionsMaker.makeOptions(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Graph |
GraphVisualizer.getGraph() |
Constructor and Description |
ShowGraph(VertexSelectionListener selector,
Graph graph) |
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