See: Description
Class | Description |
AddTripPattern |
Add a trip pattern
AddTripPattern.PatternTimetable |
a class representing a minimal timetable
AddTripPattern.TemporaryStop |
A class representing a stop temporarily in the graph
AdjustDwellTime |
Adjust the dwell times on matched trips.
AdjustHeadway |
Adjust headways on a route.
ConvertToFrequency |
Convert scheduled trips to frequencies.
Modification |
A Modification is a single change that can be applied non-destructively to RaptorWorkerData.
RemoveTrip |
Remove trips from a scenario
Scenario |
A scenario is an ordered sequence of modifications that will be applied non-destructively on top of a baseline graph.
ScenarioStore |
Retains multiple Scenarios for a single router, keyed on unique IDs.
SkipStop |
Skip stops and associated dwell times.
TimetableFilter |
Abstract class for modifications to existing timetables/frequencies.
TransferRule |
A transfer rule allows specification, on a per-stop basis, of a different assumption for transfer
boarding times than that used in the graph-wide search.
TripFilter |
A timetable filter that is applied to specific trips.
TripPatternFilter |
A filter that is applied to entire trip patterns at once.
Enum | Description |
ConvertToFrequency.ConversionGroup |
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