Interface | Description |
DummyableEdge | |
DwellEdge |
Marker edges for DwellEdge
EdgeWithCleanup |
An interface to be implemented by edges that need to perform some cleanup upon being detached
ElevatorEdge |
Marker interface indicating that an edge is part of an elevator.
HopEdge |
FrequencyHops and PatternHops have start/stop Stops
OnboardEdge |
Interface for edges which are on board a transit vehicle.
PatternEdge | |
StationEdge |
Marker interface for edges within transit stations.
TemporaryEdge |
Marker interface for temporary edges
Class | Description |
AreaEdge | |
AreaEdgeList |
This is a representation of a set of contiguous OSM areas, used for various tasks related to edge splitting, such as start/endpoint snapping and
adding new edges during transit linking.
BikeParkEdge |
Parking a bike edge.
ElevatorAlightEdge |
A relatively low cost edge for alighting from an elevator.
ElevatorBoardEdge |
A relatively high cost edge for boarding an elevator.
ElevatorHopEdge |
A relatively low cost edge for travelling one level in an elevator.
FreeEdge |
An edge that costs nothing to traverse.
IntersectionTransitLink |
This links transit stops to OSM vertices (rather than splitter vertices).
LegSwitchingEdge |
This edge type has no mode and initiates another leg.
NamedArea |
A named area is a subset of an area with a certain set of properties
(name, safety, etc).
OnBoardDepartPatternHop |
A transit vehicle's journey (temporary vertex) between departure while onboard a trip and arrival
at the next.
ParkAndRideEdge |
Parking a car at a park-and-ride station.
ParkAndRideLinkEdge |
This represents the connection between a P+R and the street access.
PartialStreetEdge |
This class is used to model a StreetEdge that has been non-destructively split from another StreetEdge.
PathwayEdge |
A walking pathway as described in GTFS
PatternDwell |
Models waiting in a station on a vehicle.
PatternHop |
A transit vehicle's journey between departure at one stop and arrival at the next.
PatternInterlineDwell |
A PatternInterlineDwell refers to "interlining", where a single physical vehicle carries out several logical trips
and a passenger is optionally allowed to remain on the vehicle as it passes from one trip to the other.
PreAlightEdge |
PreBoard edges connect a TransitStop to its agency_stop_depart vertices; PreAlight edges connect
agency_stop_arrive vertices to a TransitStop.
PreBoardEdge |
PreBoard edges connect a TransitStop to its agency_stop_depart vertices; PreAlight edges connect
an agency_stop_arrive vertex to its TransitStop.
RentABikeAbstractEdge |
Renting or dropping off a rented bike edge.
RentABikeOffEdge |
Dropping off a rented bike edge.
RentABikeOnEdge |
Renting a bike edge.
RentACarAbstractEdge |
Renting or dropping off a rented car edge.
RentACarOffEdge |
Dropping off a rented car edge.
RentACarOnEdge |
Renting a car edge.
RentAVehicleAbstractEdge |
Renting or dropping off a rented vehicle edge.
RentAVehicleOffEdge |
Dropping off a rented vehicle edge.
RentAVehicleOnEdge |
Renting a vehicle edge.
SampleEdge |
A temporary (single-request scoped) edge that connects a Sample to the street network.
SemiPermanentPartialStreetEdge |
This class is used to model a SemiPermanent StreetEdge that was non-destructively split from another StreetEdge.
SimpleEdge |
Appears to be used only in tests.
SimpleTransfer |
Represents a transfer between stops that does not take the street network into account.
StationStopEdge |
An edge that connects a parent station to a constituent stop.
StreetBikeParkLink |
This represents the connection between a street vertex and a bike park vertex.
StreetBikeRentalLink |
This represents the connection between a street vertex and a bike rental station vertex.
StreetCarRentalLink |
This represents the connection between a street vertex and a car rental station vertex.
StreetEdge |
This represents a street segment.
StreetRentalLink |
A class to model an edge that links from the street network to a rental station or a rental station to the street
StreetTransitLink |
This represents the connection between a street vertex and a transit vertex
where going from the street to the vehicle is immediate -- such as at a
curbside bus stop.
StreetVehicleRentalLink |
This represents the connection between a street vertex and a vehicle rental station vertex.
StreetWithElevationEdge |
A StreetEdge with elevation data.
TablePatternEdge |
A superclass for general trip pattern related edges
TemporaryFreeEdge | |
TemporaryPartialStreetEdge |
This class models a StreetEdge that was non-destructively split from another StreetEdge for the purposes of modeling
StreetEdges that should only be valid for a single request.
TimedTransferEdge |
An edge represents what GTFS calls a timed transfer.
Timetable |
Timetables provide most of the TripPattern functionality.
TimetableSnapshot |
Part of concurrency control for stoptime updates.
TimetableSnapshot.SortedTimetableComparator | |
TransferEdge |
A transfer directly between two stops without using the street network.
TransitBoardAlight |
Models boarding or alighting a vehicle - that is to say, traveling from a state off
vehicle to a state on vehicle.
TripPattern |
Represents a group of trips on a route, with the same direction id that all call at the same
sequence of stops.
Enum | Description |
StreetTraversalPermission |
Modes of travel that can traverse a street in a single direction.
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