Interface | Description |
BikeRentalDataSource |
TODO clarify thread safety.
Class | Description |
BCycleBikeRentalDataSource |
Build a BikeRentalStation object from a B-Cycle data source JsonNode object.
BicimadBikeRentalDataSource |
Implementation of a BikeRentalDataSource for the BICIMAD API.
BikeRentalUpdater |
Dynamic bike-rental station updater which updates the Graph with bike rental stations from one BikeRentalDataSource.
BixiBikeRentalDataSource | |
CitiBikeNycBikeRentalDataSource |
Build a BikeRentalStation object from CitiBike data source JsonNode object.
CityBikesBikeRentalDataSource | |
GbfsBikeRentalDataSource |
Created by demory on 2017-03-14.
GenericJsonBikeRentalDataSource |
Fetch Bike Rental JSON feeds and pass each record on to the specific rental subclass
GenericKmlBikeRentalDataSource |
Load bike rental stations from a KML placemarks.
GenericXmlBikeRentalDataSource | |
JCDecauxBikeRentalDataSource |
Implementation of a BikeRentalDataSource for the generic JCDecaux Open-Data API.
KeolisRennesBikeRentalDataSource | |
NextBikeRentalDataSource |
NextBike bike rental data source.
OVFietsKMLDataSource | |
SanFranciscoBayAreaBikeRentalDataSource |
Build a BikeRentalStation object from BayAreaBikeShare data source JsonNode object.
ShareBikeRentalDataSource | |
SmooveBikeRentalDataSource |
Implementation of a BikeRentalDataSource for the Smoove GIR SabiWeb used in Helsinki.
UIPBikeRentalDataSource | |
VCubDataSource |
Bike-rental station data source for the "Communauté d'Agglomération de Bordeaux" (CUB) VCub (aka
V^3) bike-rental network.
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