Class | Description |
AuthFilter |
This ContainerRequestFilter adds basic authentication support to the Grizzly + Jersey server.
CommandLineParameters |
This is a JCommander-annotated class that holds parameters for OTP stand-alone mode.
CommandLineParameters.AvailablePort | |
CommandLineParameters.PositiveInteger | |
CommandLineParameters.ReadableDirectory | |
CommandLineParameters.ReadableFile | |
CommandLineParameters.ReadWriteDirectory | |
CommandLineParameters.RouterId | |
CorsFilter |
The Same Origin Policy states that JavaScript code (or other scripts) running on a web page may
not interact with resources originating from sites with a different hostname, protocol, or port
GraphBuilderParameters |
These are parameters that when changed, necessitate a Graph rebuild.
GrizzlyServer | |
OTPApplication |
A JAX-RS Application subclass which provides hard-wired configuration of an OTP server.
OTPMain |
This is the main entry point to OpenTripPlanner.
OTPServer |
This replaces a Spring application context, which OTP originally used.
Router |
Represents the configuration of a single router (a single graph for a specific geographic area)
in an OTP server.
S3BucketConfig |
Holds credentials and a bucket ID for downloading things from an Amazon S3 bucket.
Exception | Description |
ConfigurationException |
Indicates that something went wrong when interpreting command line options, loading properties,
or assembling the OTP server based on those settings.
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