Constructor and Description |
OnBoardDepartPatternHop(OnboardDepartVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
TripTimes tripTimes,
ServiceDay serviceDay,
int stopIndex,
double positionInHop) |
PatternHop(PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop begin,
Stop end,
int stopIndex) |
PatternHop(PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop begin,
Stop end,
int stopIndex,
boolean setInPattern) |
TransitBoardAlight(PatternStopVertex fromPatternStop,
TransitStopArrive toStationVertex,
int stopIndex,
TraverseMode mode)
Alighting constructor (PatternStopVertex --> TransitStopArrive)
TransitBoardAlight(TransitStopDepart fromStopVertex,
PatternStopVertex toPatternVertex,
int stopIndex,
TraverseMode mode)
Boarding constructor (TransitStopDepart --> PatternStopVertex)
Constructor and Description |
FlexPatternHop(PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop begin,
Stop end,
int stopIndex) |
FlexPatternHop(PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop begin,
Stop end,
int stopIndex,
boolean setInPattern) |
FlexTransitBoardAlight(PatternStopVertex fromPatternStop,
TransitStopArrive toStationVertex,
int stopIndex,
PartialPatternHop hop) |
FlexTransitBoardAlight(TransitStopDepart fromStopVertex,
PatternStopVertex toPatternVertex,
int stopIndex,
PartialPatternHop hop) |
PartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop) |
PartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop,
double startIndex,
double endIndex,
double buffer) |
PartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop,
double startIndex,
double endIndex,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString startGeometry,
int startVehicleTime,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString endGeometry,
int endVehicleTime,
double buffer) |
TemporaryDirectPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString geometry,
int time) |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop) |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop,
double startIndex,
double endIndex,
double buffer) |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop,
double startIndex,
double endIndex,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString startGeometry,
int startVehicleTime,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString endGeometry,
int endVehicleTime,
double buffer) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
DeviatedRouteGraphModifier.shortenEnd(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
TemporaryPartialPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop toStop) |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
FlagStopGraphModifier.shortenEnd(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
TemporaryPartialPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop toStop) |
abstract TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
GtfsFlexGraphModifier.shortenEnd(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
TemporaryPartialPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop toStop)
From an existing TemporaryPartialPatternHop which has a new "from" location, create a new
TemporaryPartialPatternHop with the same "from" location and a new "to" location.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
PatternArriveVertex |
class |
PatternDepartVertex |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
TemporaryPatternArriveVertex |
class |
TemporaryPatternDepartVertex |
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