public class PartialPatternHop extends FlexPatternHop
Constructor and Description |
PartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop) |
PartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop,
double startIndex,
double endIndex,
double buffer) |
PartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop,
double startIndex,
double endIndex,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString startGeometry,
int startVehicleTime,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString endGeometry,
int endVehicleTime,
double buffer) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static PartialPatternHop |
endHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternDepartVertex from,
Stop fromStop) |
org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry |
getAlightArea() |
org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry |
getBoardArea() |
int |
getDirectVehicleTime() |
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString |
getDisplayGeometry() |
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString |
getEndGeometry() |
double |
getEndIndex() |
int |
getEndVehicleTime() |
String |
getFeedId() |
FlexPatternHop |
getOriginalHop() |
double |
getOriginalHopLength() |
double |
getPercentageOfHop() |
int |
getRunningTime(State s0) |
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString |
getStartGeometry() |
double |
getStartIndex() |
int |
getStartVehicleTime() |
boolean |
hasAlightArea() |
boolean |
hasBoardArea() |
boolean |
isDeviatedRouteAlight() |
boolean |
isDeviatedRouteBoard() |
boolean |
isDeviatedRouteService() |
boolean |
isFlagStopAlight() |
boolean |
isFlagStopBoard() |
boolean |
isOriginalHop(PatternHop hop) |
boolean |
isTrivial(RoutingRequest options) |
boolean |
Return true if "unscheduled" ie call-n-ride
static PartialPatternHop |
startHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternArriveVertex to,
Stop toStop) |
double |
timeLowerBound(RoutingRequest options)
Returns a lower bound on traversal time given the routing options.
canRequestService, getRequestDropoff, getRequestPickup, getServiceArea, getServiceAreaRadius, hasFlexService, hasServiceArea, setRequestDropoff, setRequestDropoff, setRequestPickup, setRequestPickup, setServiceArea, setServiceAreaRadius
getBeginStop, getDistance, getEndStop, getGeometry, getMode, getName, getName, getStopIndex, getWeight, optimisticTraverse, setGeometry, toString, traverse, traverse, weightLowerBound
getAzimuth, getDirection, getFromVertex, getId, getToVertex, getTrip, getValidVertexTypes, hasBogusName, hashCode, isEquivalentTo, isPartial, isReverseOf, isRoundabout, vertexTypesValid
public PartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop, PatternStopVertex from, PatternStopVertex to, Stop fromStop, Stop toStop, double startIndex, double endIndex, double buffer)
public PartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop, PatternStopVertex from, PatternStopVertex to, Stop fromStop, Stop toStop, double startIndex, double endIndex, org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString startGeometry, int startVehicleTime, org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString endGeometry, int endVehicleTime, double buffer)
public PartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop, PatternStopVertex from, PatternStopVertex to, Stop fromStop, Stop toStop)
public static PartialPatternHop startHop(FlexPatternHop hop, PatternArriveVertex to, Stop toStop)
public static PartialPatternHop endHop(FlexPatternHop hop, PatternDepartVertex from, Stop fromStop)
public double timeLowerBound(RoutingRequest options)
in class PatternHop
public int getRunningTime(State s0)
in class PatternHop
public org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString getDisplayGeometry()
in class Edge
public boolean isTrivial(RoutingRequest options)
public boolean isUnscheduled()
public boolean isDeviatedRouteService()
public boolean isDeviatedRouteBoard()
public boolean isDeviatedRouteAlight()
public boolean isFlagStopBoard()
public boolean isFlagStopAlight()
public boolean isOriginalHop(PatternHop hop)
public boolean hasBoardArea()
public boolean hasAlightArea()
public FlexPatternHop getOriginalHop()
public double getPercentageOfHop()
public double getStartIndex()
public double getEndIndex()
public double getOriginalHopLength()
public org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry getBoardArea()
public org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry getAlightArea()
public int getStartVehicleTime()
public int getEndVehicleTime()
public org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString getStartGeometry()
public org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString getEndGeometry()
public int getDirectVehicleTime()
public String getFeedId()
in interface HopEdge
in class PatternHop
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