Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Sample |
SampleFactory.findClosest(List<Edge> edges,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate pt,
double xscale)
DistanceToPoint.computeDistance() uses a LineSegment, which has a closestPoint method.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
List<Edge> |
The street edges that make up this walkStep.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static CoordinateArrayListSequence |
GraphPathToTripPlanConverter.makeCoordinates(Edge[] edges)
Generate a
CoordinateArrayListSequence based on an Edge array. |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Edge |
TurnRestriction.from |
Edge | |
Constructor and Description |
TurnRestriction(Edge from,
Edge to,
TurnRestrictionType type,
TraverseModeSet modes)
Convenience constructor.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
---|---|<Route,Edge> |
EdgesForRoute.edgesForRoute |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<Edge> |
EdgesForRoute.get(Route route) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Edge |
GraphBuilderAnnotation.getReferencedEdge() |
Constructor and Description |
BogusEdgeGeometry(Edge edge) |
ElevationFlattened(Edge edge) |
VertexShapeError(Edge edge) |
Constructor and Description |
StreetSplitter(Graph graph,
HashGridSpatialIndex<Edge> hashGridSpatialIndex,
org.locationtech.jts.index.SpatialIndex transitStopIndex)
Construct a new StreetSplitter.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
List<Edge> |
NearbyStopFinder.StopAtDistance.edges |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Edge |
MatchState.edge |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Edge |
MatchState.getEdge() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected List<Edge> |
MatchState.getOutgoingMatchableEdges(Vertex vertex) |
List<Edge> |
StreetMatcher.match(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry routeGeometry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected boolean |
MatchState.carsCanTraverse(Edge edge) |
Constructor and Description |
MatchState(MatchState parent,
Edge edge,
double distanceAlongRoute) |
MidblockMatchState(MatchState parent,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry routeGeometry,
Edge edge,
org.locationtech.jts.linearref.LinearLocation routeIndex,
org.locationtech.jts.linearref.LinearLocation edgeIndex,
double error,
double distanceAlongRoute) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
EdgeVertexTileRenderer.EdgeVertexRenderer.renderEdge(Edge e,
EdgeVertexTileRenderer.EdgeVisualAttributes attrs) |
boolean |
WheelchairEdgeRenderer.renderEdge(Edge e,
EdgeVertexTileRenderer.EdgeVisualAttributes attrs) |
boolean |
BikeSafetyEdgeRenderer.renderEdge(Edge e,
EdgeVertexTileRenderer.EdgeVisualAttributes attrs) |
boolean |
TraversalPermissionsEdgeRenderer.renderEdge(Edge e,
EdgeVertexTileRenderer.EdgeVisualAttributes attrs) |
Constructor and Description |
StreetEdgeInfo(Edge edge) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Collection<Edge> |
GraphLibrary.getIncomingEdges(Graph graph,
Vertex tov,
Map<Vertex,List<Edge>> extraEdges) |
static Collection<Edge> |
GraphLibrary.getOutgoingEdges(Graph graph,
Vertex fromv,
Map<Vertex,List<Edge>> extraEdges) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TraverseVisitor.visitEdge(Edge edge,
State state)
Called when A* explores an edge
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Collection<Edge> |
GraphLibrary.getIncomingEdges(Graph graph,
Vertex tov,
Map<Vertex,List<Edge>> extraEdges) |
static Collection<Edge> |
GraphLibrary.getOutgoingEdges(Graph graph,
Vertex fromv,
Map<Vertex,List<Edge>> extraEdges) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
SkipEdgeStrategy.shouldSkipEdge(Vertex origin,
Vertex target,
State current,
Edge edge,
ShortestPathTree spt,
RoutingRequest traverseOptions) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Edge |
State.backEdge |
Edge |
RoutingContext.originBackEdge |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Edge |
State.getBackEdge() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Edge> |
OverlayGraph.getIncoming(Vertex v) |
List<Edge> |
OverlayGraph.getOutgoing(Vertex v) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
OverlayGraph.addEdge(Edge e) |
void |
OverlayGraph.addIncoming(Vertex tov,
Edge e) |
void |
OverlayGraph.addOutgoing(Vertex fromv,
Edge e) |
StateEditor |
State.edit(Edge e)
Create a state editor to produce a child of this state, which will be the result of
traversing the given edge.
void |
OverlayGraph.removeEdge(Edge e) |
void |
OverlayGraph.removeIncoming(Vertex tov,
Edge e) |
void |
OverlayGraph.removeOutgoing(Vertex fromv,
Edge e) |
void |
RoutingRequest.setRoutingContext(Graph graph,
Edge fromBackEdge,
Vertex from,
Vertex to)
For use in tests.
Constructor and Description |
State(Vertex vertex,
Edge backEdge,
long timeSeconds,
long startTime,
RoutingRequest options)
Create an initial state, forcing vertex, back edge, time and start time to the specified values.
State(Vertex vertex,
Edge backEdge,
long timeSeconds,
RoutingRequest options)
Create an initial state, forcing vertex, back edge and time to the specified values.
StateEditor(State parent,
Edge e) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AreaEdge |
class |
Parking a bike edge.
class |
A relatively low cost edge for alighting from an elevator.
class |
A relatively high cost edge for boarding an elevator.
class |
A relatively low cost edge for travelling one level in an elevator.
class |
An edge that costs nothing to traverse.
class |
This links transit stops to OSM vertices (rather than splitter vertices).
class |
This edge type has no mode and initiates another leg.
class |
A transit vehicle's journey (temporary vertex) between departure while onboard a trip and arrival
at the next.
class |
Parking a car at a park-and-ride station.
class |
This represents the connection between a P+R and the street access.
class |
This class is used to model a StreetEdge that has been non-destructively split from another StreetEdge.
class |
A walking pathway as described in GTFS
class |
Models waiting in a station on a vehicle.
class |
A transit vehicle's journey between departure at one stop and arrival at the next.
class |
A PatternInterlineDwell refers to "interlining", where a single physical vehicle carries out several logical trips
and a passenger is optionally allowed to remain on the vehicle as it passes from one trip to the other.
class |
PreBoard edges connect a TransitStop to its agency_stop_depart vertices; PreAlight edges connect
agency_stop_arrive vertices to a TransitStop.
class |
PreBoard edges connect a TransitStop to its agency_stop_depart vertices; PreAlight edges connect
an agency_stop_arrive vertex to its TransitStop.
class |
Renting or dropping off a rented bike edge.
class |
Dropping off a rented bike edge.
class |
Renting a bike edge.
class |
Renting or dropping off a rented car edge.
class |
Dropping off a rented car edge.
class |
Renting a car edge.
class |
Renting or dropping off a rented vehicle edge.
class |
Dropping off a rented vehicle edge.
class |
Renting a vehicle edge.
class |
A temporary (single-request scoped) edge that connects a Sample to the street network.
class |
This class is used to model a SemiPermanent StreetEdge that was non-destructively split from another StreetEdge.
class |
Appears to be used only in tests.
class |
Represents a transfer between stops that does not take the street network into account.
class |
An edge that connects a parent station to a constituent stop.
class |
This represents the connection between a street vertex and a bike park vertex.
class |
This represents the connection between a street vertex and a bike rental station vertex.
class |
This represents the connection between a street vertex and a car rental station vertex.
class |
This represents a street segment.
class |
A class to model an edge that links from the street network to a rental station or a rental station to the street
class |
This represents the connection between a street vertex and a transit vertex
where going from the street to the vehicle is immediate -- such as at a
curbside bus stop.
class |
This represents the connection between a street vertex and a vehicle rental station vertex.
class |
A StreetEdge with elevation data.
class |
A superclass for general trip pattern related edges
class |
TemporaryFreeEdge |
class |
This class models a StreetEdge that was non-destructively split from another StreetEdge for the purposes of modeling
StreetEdges that should only be valid for a single request.
class |
An edge represents what GTFS calls a timed transfer.
class |
A transfer directly between two stops without using the street network.
class |
Models boarding or alighting a vehicle - that is to say, traveling from a state off
vehicle to a state on vehicle.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Edge> |
SimpleTransfer.getEdges() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
StreetEdge.canTurnOnto(Edge e,
State state,
TraverseMode mode) |
boolean |
TemporaryPartialStreetEdge.isEquivalentTo(Edge e)
This implementation makes it so that TurnRestrictions on the parent edge are applied to this edge as well.
boolean |
PartialStreetEdge.isEquivalentTo(Edge e)
This implementation makes it so that TurnRestrictions on the parent edge are applied to this edge as well.
boolean |
TemporaryPartialStreetEdge.isReverseOf(Edge e) |
boolean |
PartialStreetEdge.isReverseOf(Edge e) |
Constructor and Description |
SimpleTransfer(TransitStop from,
TransitStop to,
double distance,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString geometry,
List<Edge> edges) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
A PatternHop with GTFS-Flex service enabled.
class |
FlexTransitBoardAlight |
class |
PartialPatternHop |
class |
This is associated with a PatternHop for stop_time information, but its geometry bears no
relation to the route geometry.
class |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
class |
TemporaryPreAlightEdge |
class |
PreBoard edges connect a TransitStop to its agency_stop_depart vertices; PreAlight edges connect
an agency_stop_arrive vertex to its TransitStop.
class |
TemporaryStreetTransitLink |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<FlexPatternHop> |
FlexIndex.getHopsForEdge(Edge e) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Edge |
Graph.getEdgeById(int id)
Returns the edge with the given ID or null if none is present.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<Edge> |
Return all the edges in the graph.
Collection<Edge> |
Get a collection containing all the edges leading from other vertices to this vertex.
Collection<Edge> |
Get a collection containing all the edges leading from this vertex to other vertices.
List<Edge> |
Vertex.getOutgoingStreetEdges() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Graph.addAlertPatch(Edge edge,
AlertPatch alertPatch)
void |
Vertex.addIncoming(Edge edge) |
void |
Vertex.addOutgoing(Edge edge) |
void |
Graph.addTurnRestriction(Edge edge,
TurnRestriction turnRestriction)
AlertPatch[] |
Graph.getAlertPatches(Edge edge)
Integer |
Graph.getIdForEdge(Edge edge) |
List<TurnRestriction> |
Graph.getTurnRestrictions(Edge edge)
boolean |
Edge.isEquivalentTo(Edge e)
Checks equivalency to another edge.
boolean |
Edge.isReverseOf(Edge e)
Returns true if this edge is the reverse of another.
void |
Graph.removeAlertPatch(Edge edge,
AlertPatch alertPatch)
void |
Graph.removeEdge(Edge e)
Removes an edge from the graph.
boolean |
Vertex.removeIncoming(Edge edge) |
boolean |
Vertex.removeOutgoing(Edge edge) |
void |
Graph.removeTurnRestriction(Edge edge,
TurnRestriction turnRestriction)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
LoggingTraverseVisitor.visitEdge(Edge edge,
State state) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TemporaryStreetLocation.addIncoming(Edge edge) |
void |
TemporaryStreetLocation.addOutgoing(Edge edge) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<Edge> |
StreetVertexIndexService.getEdgesForEnvelope(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope envelope)
Return the edges whose geometry intersect with the specified envelope.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
StreetNotesService.addStaticNote(Edge edge,
Alert note,
NoteMatcher matcher) |
Set<MatcherAndAlert> |
DynamicStreetNotesSource.getNotes(Edge edge)
Return the set of notes applicable for this state / backedge pair.
Set<MatcherAndAlert> |
StaticStreetNotesSource.getNotes(Edge edge)
Return the set of notes applicable for this state / backedge pair.
Set<MatcherAndAlert> |
StreetNotesSource.getNotes(Edge edge) |
void |
StreetNotesService.removeStaticNotes(Edge edge) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
DynamicStreetNotesSource.setNotes(<Edge,MatcherAndAlert> notes) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
LinkedList<Edge> |
GraphPath.edges |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
SPTWalker.SPTVisitor.accept(Edge e) |
void |
SPTWalker.SPTVisitor.visit(Edge e,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate c,
State s0,
State s1,
double d0,
double d1,
double speed)
Note: The same state can be visited several times (from different edges).
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Edge |
RouteSegment.alight |
Edge |
RouteSegment.board |
Edge |
RouteSegment.dwell |
Edge |
RouteSegment.hopIn |
Edge |
RouteSegment.hopOut |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<Map.Entry<Vertex,ArrayList<Edge>>> |
NullExtraEdges.entrySet() |
ArrayList<Edge> |
NullExtraEdges.get(Object arg0) |
ArrayList<Edge> |
NullExtraEdges.put(Vertex arg0,
ArrayList<Edge> arg1) |
ArrayList<Edge> |
NullExtraEdges.remove(Object arg0) |
Collection<ArrayList<Edge>> |
NullExtraEdges.values() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ArrayList<Edge> |
NullExtraEdges.put(Vertex arg0,
ArrayList<Edge> arg1) |
void |
NullExtraEdges.putAll(Map<? extends Vertex,? extends ArrayList<Edge>> arg0) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SampleVertex.addIncoming(Edge e) |
void |
TemporarySplitterVertex.addIncoming(Edge edge) |
void |
OnboardDepartVertex.addIncoming(Edge edge) |
void |
SampleVertex.addOutgoing(Edge e) |
void |
TemporarySplitterVertex.addOutgoing(Edge edge) |
void |
OnboardDepartVertex.addOutgoing(Edge edge) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ShowGraph.enqueueHighlightedEdge(Edge de) |
void |
ShowGraph.highlightEdge(Edge selected) |
void |
VisualTraverseVisitor.visitEdge(Edge edge,
State state) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ShowGraph.setHighlightedEdges(List<Edge> edges) |
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