Package | Description |
org.opentripplanner.api.resource |
This package contains the JAX-RS-annotated REST resource classes for the OpenTripPlanner public
API, i.e.
org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.module | |
org.opentripplanner.profile | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.alertpatch | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.algorithm | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.algorithm.strategies | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.core | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.flex | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.flex | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.graph | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.impl | | | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.spt | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.trippattern | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.flex | |
org.opentripplanner.visualizer |
This package contains classes used for visualizing OpenTripPlanner graphs.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<WalkStep> |
GraphPathToTripPlanConverter.generateWalkSteps(Graph graph,
State[] states,
WalkStep previous,
Locale requestedLocale)
Converts a list of street edges to a list of turn-by-turn directions.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static NearbyStopFinder.StopAtDistance |
NearbyStopFinder.stopAtDistanceForState(State state)
Given a State at a TransitStop, bundle the TransitStop together with information about how far away it is
and the geometry of the path leading up to the given State.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
State |
StopAtDistance.state |
Constructor and Description |
StopAtDistance(State state,
QualifiedMode qmode) |
StreetSegment(State state)
Build the walksteps from the final State of a path.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
AlertPatch.displayDuring(State state) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ShortestPathTree |
GenericDijkstra.getShortestPathTree(State initialState) |
void |
TraverseVisitor.visitEdge(Edge edge,
State state)
Called when A* explores an edge
void |
TraverseVisitor.visitEnqueue(State state)
Called when A* enqueues a vertex
void |
TraverseVisitor.visitVertex(State state)
Called when A* dequeues a vertex
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ShortestPathTree |
AStar.getShortestPathTree(RoutingRequest options,
double relTimeoutSeconds,
SearchTerminationStrategy terminationStrategy,
Collection<State> initialStates)
Get an SPT, starting from a collection of states
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
InterleavedBidirectionalHeuristic.estimateRemainingWeight(State s)
This function supplies the main search with an (under)estimate of the remaining path weight to the target.
double |
RemainingWeightHeuristic.estimateRemainingWeight(State s) |
double |
TrivialRemainingWeightHeuristic.estimateRemainingWeight(State s) |
double |
EuclideanRemainingWeightHeuristic.estimateRemainingWeight(State s)
On a non-transit trip, the remaining weight is simply distance / street speed.
boolean |
SearchTerminationStrategy.shouldSearchTerminate(Vertex origin,
Vertex target,
State current,
ShortestPathTree spt,
RoutingRequest traverseOptions) |
boolean |
MultiTargetTerminationStrategy.shouldSearchTerminate(Vertex origin,
Vertex target,
State current,
ShortestPathTree spt,
RoutingRequest traverseOptions)
Updates the list of reached targets and returns True if all the
targets have been reached.
boolean |
SkipEdgeStrategy.shouldSkipEdge(Vertex origin,
Vertex target,
State current,
Edge edge,
ShortestPathTree spt,
RoutingRequest traverseOptions) |
boolean |
SkipTraverseResultStrategy.shouldSkipTraversalResult(Vertex origin,
Vertex target,
State parent,
State current,
ShortestPathTree spt,
RoutingRequest traverseOptions) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected State |
State.backState |
protected State |
StateEditor.child |
protected State | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
State |
State.addToExistingResultChain(State existingResultChain)
Extend an exiting result chain by appending this result to the existing chain.
protected State |
State.clone() |
State |
StateFactory.createState(long time) |
State |
State.detachNextResult() |
State |
State.getBackState() |
State |
Optional next result that allows
Edge to return multiple results. |
State |
Why can a state editor only be used once? If you modify some component of state with and
editor, use the editor to create a new state, and then make more modifications, these
modifications will be applied to the previously created state.
State |
Reverse-optimize a path after it is complete, by default
State |
State.optimizeOrReverse(boolean optimize,
boolean forward)
Reverse the path implicit in the given state, re-traversing all edges in the opposite
direction so as to remove any unnecessary waiting in the resulting itinerary.
State |
Reverse a path
State |
State.reversedClone() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
State |
State.addToExistingResultChain(State existingResultChain)
Extend an exiting result chain by appending this result to the existing chain.
boolean |
State.routeSequencePrefix(State that) |
boolean |
State.routeSequenceSubset(State that) |
boolean |
State.routeSequenceSubsetSymmetric(State that) |
boolean |
State.routeSequenceSuperset(State that) |
void |
StateEditor.setFromState(State state)
Set non-incremental state values (ex.
void |
StateEditor.setNonTransitOptionsFromState(State state) |
Constructor and Description |
StateEditor(State parent,
Edge e) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
State |
TransitBoardAlight.optimisticTraverse(State state0) |
State |
PatternHop.optimisticTraverse(State state0) |
State |
PreAlightEdge.optimisticTraverse(State s0) |
State |
OnBoardDepartPatternHop.optimisticTraverse(State state0) |
State |
StreetTransitLink.optimisticTraverse(State s0) |
State |
PatternInterlineDwell.optimisticTraverse(State s0) |
State |
PreBoardEdge.optimisticTraverse(State s0) |
State |
ParkAndRideLinkEdge.optimisticTraverse(State s0) |
State |
PatternDwell.optimisticTraverse(State s0) |
State |
ElevatorBoardEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
SimpleTransfer.traverse(State s0) |
State |
TransitBoardAlight.traverse(State state0) |
State |
ParkAndRideEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
RentACarOnEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
RentACarOffEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
StreetVehicleRentalLink.traverse(State s0) |
State |
LegSwitchingEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
IntersectionTransitLink.traverse(State s0) |
State |
PatternHop.traverse(State s0) |
State |
StreetEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
TimedTransferEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
PreAlightEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
OnBoardDepartPatternHop.traverse(State state0) |
State |
RentAVehicleOffEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
SimpleEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
StreetCarRentalLink.traverse(State s0) |
State |
StreetTransitLink.traverse(State s0) |
State |
SampleEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
PatternInterlineDwell.traverse(State state0) |
State |
PreBoardEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
SemiPermanentPartialStreetEdge.traverse(State s0)
There can often times be requests that do not need to traverse this edge, such as requests that don't want to
use a bike rental.
State |
PathwayEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
RentAVehicleOnEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
ParkAndRideLinkEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
RentABikeOffEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
ElevatorAlightEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
FreeEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
ElevatorHopEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
BikeParkEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
PatternDwell.traverse(State state0) |
State |
StreetBikeRentalLink.traverse(State s0) |
State |
StreetBikeParkLink.traverse(State s0) |
State |
RentABikeOnEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
StationStopEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
TransferEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
TransitBoardAlight.traverse(State s0,
long arrivalTimeAtStop)
NOTE: We do not need to check the pickup/drop off type.
State |
PatternHop.traverse(State s0,
StateEditor s1) |
protected State |
RentABikeAbstractEdge.traverseDropoff(State s0) |
protected State |
BikeParkEdge.traversePark(State s0) |
protected State |
RentABikeAbstractEdge.traverseRent(State s0) |
protected State |
BikeParkEdge.traverseUnpark(State s0) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
TransitBoardAlight.calculateWait(State s0,
ServiceDay sd,
TripTimes tripTimes) |
boolean |
StreetEdge.canTurnOnto(Edge e,
State state,
TraverseMode mode) |
TripTimes |
Timetable.getNextCallNRideTrip(State s0,
ServiceDay serviceDay,
int stopIndex,
boolean boarding,
int directTime) |
TripTimes |
Timetable.getNextTrip(State s0,
ServiceDay serviceDay,
int stopIndex,
boolean boarding)
Get the next (previous) trip that departs (arrives) from the specified stop at or after
(before) the specified time.
TripTimes |
Timetable.getNextTrip(State s0,
ServiceDay serviceDay,
int stopIndex,
boolean boarding,
double flexOffsetScale,
int flexPreBoardDirectTime,
int flexPostAlightDirectTime)
Get the next (previous) trip that departs (arrives) from the specified stop at or after
(before) the specified time.
TripTimes |
TransitBoardAlight.getNextTrip(State s0,
ServiceDay sd,
Timetable timetable) |
TripTimes |
TripPattern.getResolvedTripTimes(int tripIndex,
State state0) |
TripTimes |
TripPattern.getResolvedTripTimes(Trip trip,
State state0) |
int |
PatternHop.getRunningTime(State s0) |
int |
PatternHop.getWeight(State s0,
int runningTime) |
State |
TransitBoardAlight.optimisticTraverse(State state0) |
State |
PatternHop.optimisticTraverse(State state0) |
State |
PreAlightEdge.optimisticTraverse(State s0) |
State |
OnBoardDepartPatternHop.optimisticTraverse(State state0) |
State |
StreetTransitLink.optimisticTraverse(State s0) |
State |
PatternInterlineDwell.optimisticTraverse(State s0) |
State |
PreBoardEdge.optimisticTraverse(State s0) |
State |
ParkAndRideLinkEdge.optimisticTraverse(State s0) |
State |
PatternDwell.optimisticTraverse(State s0) |
State |
ElevatorBoardEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
SimpleTransfer.traverse(State s0) |
State |
TransitBoardAlight.traverse(State state0) |
State |
ParkAndRideEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
RentACarOnEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
RentACarOffEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
StreetVehicleRentalLink.traverse(State s0) |
State |
LegSwitchingEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
IntersectionTransitLink.traverse(State s0) |
State |
PatternHop.traverse(State s0) |
State |
StreetEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
TimedTransferEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
PreAlightEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
OnBoardDepartPatternHop.traverse(State state0) |
State |
RentAVehicleOffEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
SimpleEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
StreetCarRentalLink.traverse(State s0) |
State |
StreetTransitLink.traverse(State s0) |
State |
SampleEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
PatternInterlineDwell.traverse(State state0) |
State |
PreBoardEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
SemiPermanentPartialStreetEdge.traverse(State s0)
There can often times be requests that do not need to traverse this edge, such as requests that don't want to
use a bike rental.
State |
PathwayEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
RentAVehicleOnEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
ParkAndRideLinkEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
RentABikeOffEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
ElevatorAlightEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
FreeEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
ElevatorHopEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
BikeParkEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
PatternDwell.traverse(State state0) |
State |
StreetBikeRentalLink.traverse(State s0) |
State |
StreetBikeParkLink.traverse(State s0) |
State |
RentABikeOnEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
StationStopEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
TransferEdge.traverse(State s0) |
State |
TransitBoardAlight.traverse(State s0,
long arrivalTimeAtStop)
NOTE: We do not need to check the pickup/drop off type.
State |
PatternHop.traverse(State s0,
StateEditor s1) |
protected State |
RentABikeAbstractEdge.traverseDropoff(State s0) |
protected State |
BikeParkEdge.traversePark(State s0) |
protected State |
RentABikeAbstractEdge.traverseRent(State s0) |
protected State |
BikeParkEdge.traverseUnpark(State s0) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
State |
TemporaryDirectPatternHop.traverse(State s0) |
State |
TemporaryStreetTransitLink.traverse(State s0) |
State |
FlexTransitBoardAlight.traverse(State s0) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
FlexTransitBoardAlight.calculateWait(State s0,
ServiceDay sd,
TripTimes tripTimes) |
TripTimes |
FlexTransitBoardAlight.getNextTrip(State s0,
ServiceDay sd,
Timetable timetable) |
int |
TemporaryDirectPatternHop.getRunningTime(State s0) |
int |
PartialPatternHop.getRunningTime(State s0) |
int |
TemporaryDirectPatternHop.getWeight(State s0,
int runningTime) |
State |
TemporaryDirectPatternHop.traverse(State s0) |
State |
TemporaryStreetTransitLink.traverse(State s0) |
State |
FlexTransitBoardAlight.traverse(State s0) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
DeviatedRouteGraphModifier.checkHopAllowsBoardAlight(State s,
FlexPatternHop hop,
boolean boarding) |
boolean |
FlagStopGraphModifier.checkHopAllowsBoardAlight(State state,
FlexPatternHop hop,
boolean boarding) |
abstract boolean |
GtfsFlexGraphModifier.checkHopAllowsBoardAlight(State state,
FlexPatternHop hop,
boolean boarding)
Returns true if the given hop can be boarded/alighted.
StreetVertex |
DeviatedRouteGraphModifier.getLocationForTemporaryStop(State s,
FlexPatternHop hop) |
StreetVertex |
FlagStopGraphModifier.getLocationForTemporaryStop(State s,
FlexPatternHop hop) |
abstract StreetVertex |
GtfsFlexGraphModifier.getLocationForTemporaryStop(State s,
FlexPatternHop hop)
Subclasses can specify where the new temporary stop should be created, given a nearby
protected TemporaryTransitStop |
GtfsFlexGraphModifier.getTemporaryStop(StreetVertex streetVertex,
State s,
RoutingContext rctx,
RoutingRequest options) |
protected TemporaryTransitStop |
GtfsFlexGraphModifier.getTemporaryStop(StreetVertex streetVertex,
State s,
RoutingContext rctx,
RoutingRequest options,
boolean forwards) |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
DeviatedRouteGraphModifier.makeHopNewFrom(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternDepartVertex from,
Stop fromStop) |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
FlagStopGraphModifier.makeHopNewFrom(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternDepartVertex from,
Stop fromStop) |
abstract TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
GtfsFlexGraphModifier.makeHopNewFrom(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternDepartVertex from,
Stop fromStop)
Create a new
FlexPatternHop with a new "from" location (from a new destination to the route). |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
DeviatedRouteGraphModifier.makeHopNewTo(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternArriveVertex to,
Stop toStop) |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
FlagStopGraphModifier.makeHopNewTo(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternArriveVertex to,
Stop toStop) |
abstract TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
GtfsFlexGraphModifier.makeHopNewTo(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternArriveVertex to,
Stop toStop)
Create a new
FlexPatternHop with a new "to" location (from the route to a new destination). |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
DeviatedRouteGraphModifier.shortenEnd(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
TemporaryPartialPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop toStop) |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
FlagStopGraphModifier.shortenEnd(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
TemporaryPartialPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop toStop) |
abstract TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
GtfsFlexGraphModifier.shortenEnd(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
TemporaryPartialPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop toStop)
From an existing TemporaryPartialPatternHop which has a new "from" location, create a new
TemporaryPartialPatternHop with the same "from" location and a new "to" location.
void |
DeviatedRouteGraphModifier.vertexVisitor(State state) |
void |
GtfsFlexGraphModifier.vertexVisitor(State state) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
State |
Edge.optimisticTraverse(State s0) |
abstract State |
Edge.traverse(State s0)
Traverse this edge.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
State |
Edge.optimisticTraverse(State s0) |
abstract State |
Edge.traverse(State s0)
Traverse this edge.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
LoggingTraverseVisitor.visitEdge(Edge edge,
State state) |
void |
LoggingTraverseVisitor.visitEnqueue(State state) |
void |
LoggingTraverseVisitor.visitVertex(State state) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<Alert> |
StreetNotesService.getNotes(State state)
Return the set of notes applicable for this state / backedge pair.
boolean |
NoteMatcher.matches(State state) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
LinkedList<State> |
GraphPath.states |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
State |
ShortestPathTree.getState(Vertex dest)
Returns the 'best' state for the given Vertex, where 'best' depends on the implementation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<State> |
ShortestPathTree.getAllStates() |
List<State> |
ShortestPathTree.getStates(Vertex dest)
Returns a collection of 'interesting' states for the given Vertex.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
ShortestPathTree.add(State newState)
The add method checks a new State to see if it is non-dominated and thus worth visiting
protected abstract boolean |
DominanceFunction.betterOrEqual(State a,
State b)
Return true if the first state "defeats" the second state or at least ties with it in terms of suitability.
boolean |
DominanceFunction.MinimumWeight.betterOrEqual(State a,
State b)
Return true if the first state has lower weight than the second state.
boolean |
DominanceFunction.EarliestArrival.betterOrEqual(State a,
State b)
Return true if the first state has lower elapsed time than the second state.
protected boolean |
DominanceFunction.LeastWalk.betterOrEqual(State a,
State b) |
boolean |
DominanceFunction.Pareto.betterOrEqual(State a,
State b) |
boolean |
DominanceFunction.betterOrEqualAndComparable(State a,
State b)
For bike rental, parking, and approaching turn-restricted intersections states are incomparable:
they exist on separate planes.
void |
SPTWalker.SPTVisitor.visit(Edge e,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate c,
State s0,
State s1,
double d0,
double d1,
double speed)
Note: The same state can be visited several times (from different edges).
boolean |
ShortestPathTree.visit(State state)
The visit method should be called upon extracting a State from a priority queue.
Constructor and Description |
GraphPath(State finalState,
boolean optimize)
Construct a GraphPath based on the given state by following back-edge fields all the way back
to the origin of the search.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
TripTimes.tripAcceptable(State state0,
int stopIndex)
Once a trip has been found departing or arriving at an appropriate time, check whether that
trip fits other restrictive search criteria such as bicycle and wheelchair accessibility
and transfers with minimum time or forbidden transfers.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
TransitStop.checkCallAndRideBoardAlightOk(State s0) |
boolean |
TransitStop.checkCallAndRideStreetLinkOk(State s0) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
TemporaryTransitStop.checkCallAndRideBoardAlightOk(State state) |
boolean |
TemporaryTransitStop.checkCallAndRideStreetLinkOk(State s0) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected State |
GraphVisualizer.lastStateClicked |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ShowGraph.addNewSPTEdge(State state) |
void |
VisualTraverseVisitor.visitEdge(Edge edge,
State state) |
void |
VisualTraverseVisitor.visitEnqueue(State state) |
void |
VisualTraverseVisitor.visitVertex(State state) |
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