Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Stop |
StopAgencyAndIdAdapter.unmarshal(AgencyAndIdType arg) |
Stop |
StopAdapter.unmarshal(StopType arg) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ArrayList<Stop> |
StopAgencyAndIdArrayListAdapter.unmarshal(ArrayList<AgencyAndIdType> arg) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
StopType |
StopAdapter.marshal(Stop arg) |
AgencyAndIdType |
StopAgencyAndIdAdapter.marshal(Stop arg) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ArrayList<AgencyAndIdType> |
StopAgencyAndIdArrayListAdapter.marshal(ArrayList<Stop> arg) |
Constructor and Description |
StopType(Stop stop) |
StopType(Stop stop,
Boolean extended) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<StopShort> |
StopShort.list(Collection<Stop> in) |
Constructor and Description |
StopShort(Stop stop) |
StopShort(Stop stop,
int distance) |
TripTimeShort(TripTimes tt,
int i,
Stop stop)
This is stop-specific, so the index i is a stop index, not a hop index.
TripTimeShort(TripTimes tt,
int i,
Stop stop,
ServiceDay sd) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Stop[] |
StopPattern.stops |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Stop |
Pathway.getFromStop() |
Stop |
Transfer.getFromStop() |
Stop |
StopTime.getStop() |
Stop |
OtpTransitService.getStopForId(FeedScopedId id) |
Stop |
Pathway.getToStop() |
Stop |
Transfer.getToStop() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<Stop> |
OtpTransitService.getAllStops() |
List<Stop> |
OtpTransitService.getStopsForStation(Stop station) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Stop> |
OtpTransitService.getStopsForStation(Stop station) |
void |
Pathway.setFromStop(Stop fromStop) |
void |
Transfer.setFromStop(Stop fromStop) |
void |
StopTime.setStop(Stop stop) |
void |
Pathway.setToStop(Stop toStop) |
void |
Transfer.setToStop(Stop toStop) |
Constructor and Description |
Stop(Stop obj) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Stop> |
OtpTransitServiceBuilder.getStops() |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
List<Stop> |
StopCluster.children |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<Stop> |
TimeRange.Tracker.iterator() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
TimeRange.Tracker.add(Stop stop,
TimeRange newRange)
Return true if the time range at the given stop was updated.
TimeRange |
TimeRange.Tracker.get(Stop stop)
Get the existing TimeRange for the specified stop, or NULL if none is defined.
void |
TimeRange.Tracker.set(Stop stop,
int t)
Set the travel time to a specific transit stop to exactly t seconds, overwriting any existing value.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<TripPattern> |
AnalystProfileRouterPrototype.uniquePatternsVisiting(Set<Stop> stops)
Return a set of all patterns that pass through the stops that are present in the given Tracker.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DCFareCalculator.Fare |
FareTable.lookup(Stop from,
Stop to) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Stop |
StateData.previousStop |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Stop |
State.getPreviousStop() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TransferTable.addTransferTime(Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop,
Route fromRoute,
Route toRoute,
Trip fromTrip,
Trip toTrip,
int transferTime)
Add a transfer time to the transfer table.
int |
TransferTable.getTransferTime(Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop,
Trip fromTrip,
Trip toTrip,
boolean forwardInTime)
Get the transfer time that should be used when transferring from a trip to another trip.
boolean |
StopMatcher.matches(Stop stop)
Function to determine whether this StopMatcher matches a particular stop.
void |
StateEditor.setPreviousStop(Stop previousStop) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Stop |
PatternHop.getBeginStop() |
Stop |
HopEdge.getBeginStop() |
Stop |
PatternHop.getEndStop() |
Stop |
HopEdge.getEndStop() |
Stop |
TripPattern.getStop(int stopIndex) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Stop> |
TripPattern.getStops() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TripPattern.makePatternVerticesAndEdges(Graph graph,
Map<Stop,? extends TransitStationStop> transitStops)
Create the PatternStop vertices and PatternBoard/Hop/Dwell/Alight edges corresponding to a
Constructor and Description |
PatternHop(PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop begin,
Stop end,
int stopIndex) |
PatternHop(PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop begin,
Stop end,
int stopIndex,
boolean setInPattern) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Map<T2<Stop,Trip>,Vertex> |
GtfsStopContext.patternArriveNodes |
Map<T2<Stop,Trip>,Vertex> |
GtfsStopContext.patternDepartNodes |
Map<Stop,TransitStationStop> |
GtfsStopContext.stationStopNodes |
Map<Stop,TransitStopArrive> |
GtfsStopContext.stopArriveNodes |
Map<Stop,TransitStopDepart> |
GtfsStopContext.stopDepartNodes |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static PartialPatternHop |
PartialPatternHop.endHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternDepartVertex from,
Stop fromStop) |
static PartialPatternHop |
PartialPatternHop.startHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternArriveVertex to,
Stop toStop) |
Constructor and Description |
FlexPatternHop(PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop begin,
Stop end,
int stopIndex) |
FlexPatternHop(PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop begin,
Stop end,
int stopIndex,
boolean setInPattern) |
PartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop) |
PartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop,
double startIndex,
double endIndex,
double buffer) |
PartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop,
double startIndex,
double endIndex,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString startGeometry,
int startVehicleTime,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString endGeometry,
int endVehicleTime,
double buffer) |
TemporaryDirectPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString geometry,
int time) |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop) |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop,
double startIndex,
double endIndex,
double buffer) |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop(FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex from,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop fromStop,
Stop toStop,
double startIndex,
double endIndex,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString startGeometry,
int startVehicleTime,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString endGeometry,
int endVehicleTime,
double buffer) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
DeviatedRouteGraphModifier.makeHopNewFrom(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternDepartVertex from,
Stop fromStop) |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
FlagStopGraphModifier.makeHopNewFrom(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternDepartVertex from,
Stop fromStop) |
abstract TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
GtfsFlexGraphModifier.makeHopNewFrom(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternDepartVertex from,
Stop fromStop)
Create a new
FlexPatternHop with a new "from" location (from a new destination to the route). |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
DeviatedRouteGraphModifier.makeHopNewTo(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternArriveVertex to,
Stop toStop) |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
FlagStopGraphModifier.makeHopNewTo(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternArriveVertex to,
Stop toStop) |
abstract TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
GtfsFlexGraphModifier.makeHopNewTo(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
FlexPatternHop hop,
PatternArriveVertex to,
Stop toStop)
Create a new
FlexPatternHop with a new "to" location (from the route to a new destination). |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
DeviatedRouteGraphModifier.shortenEnd(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
TemporaryPartialPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop toStop) |
TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
FlagStopGraphModifier.shortenEnd(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
TemporaryPartialPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop toStop) |
abstract TemporaryPartialPatternHop |
GtfsFlexGraphModifier.shortenEnd(RoutingRequest opt,
State state,
TemporaryPartialPatternHop hop,
PatternStopVertex to,
Stop toStop)
From an existing TemporaryPartialPatternHop which has a new "from" location, create a new
TemporaryPartialPatternHop with the same "from" location and a new "to" location.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Stop |
GraphIndex.StopAndDistance.stop |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Map<FeedScopedId,Stop> |
Parent stops
|<Stop,TripPattern> |
GraphIndex.patternsForStop |
Map<Stop,StopCluster> |
GraphIndex.stopClusterForStop |
Map<FeedScopedId,Stop> |
GraphIndex.stopForId |<String,Stop> |
GraphIndex.stopsForParentStation |
Map<Stop,TransitStop> |
GraphIndex.stopVertexForStop |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<StopTimesInPattern> |
GraphIndex.getStopTimesForStop(Stop stop,
ServiceDate serviceDate,
boolean omitNonPickups)
Get a list of all trips that pass through a stop during a single ServiceDate.
Set<Route> |
GraphIndex.routesForStop(Stop stop)
Dynamically generate the set of Routes passing though a Stop on demand.
Collection<StopTimesInPattern> |
GraphIndex.stopTimesForStop(Stop stop,
boolean omitNonPickups)
Fetch upcoming vehicle departures from a stop.
List<StopTimesInPattern> |
GraphIndex.stopTimesForStop(Stop stop,
long startTime,
int timeRange,
int numberOfDepartures,
boolean omitNonPickups)
Fetch upcoming vehicle departures from a stop.
Constructor and Description |
StopAndDistance(Stop stop,
int distance) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Stop> |
RouteVariant.getStops() |
Constructor and Description |
RouteVariant(Route route,
ArrayList<Stop> stops) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Stop |
Stop information need by API
Constructor and Description |
OffboardVertex(Graph graph,
String label,
Stop stop) |
OnboardVertex(Graph g,
String label,
TripPattern tripPattern,
Stop stop) |
PatternArriveVertex(Graph g,
TripPattern pattern,
int stopIndex,
Stop stop)
constructor for temporary trip patterns
PatternDepartVertex(Graph g,
TripPattern pattern,
int stopIndex,
Stop stop)
constructor for temporary trip patterns
PatternStopVertex(Graph g,
String label,
TripPattern tripPattern,
Stop stop) |
TransitStation(Graph graph,
Stop stop) |
TransitStationStop(Graph graph,
Stop stop) |
TransitStop(Graph graph,
Stop stop) |
TransitStopArrive(Graph g,
Stop stop,
TransitStop stopVertex) |
TransitStopDepart(Graph graph,
Stop stop,
TransitStop stopVertex) |
TransitVertex(Graph graph,
String label,
Stop stop) |
Constructor and Description |
TemporaryPatternArriveVertex(TripPattern pattern,
int stopIndex,
Stop stop) |
TemporaryPatternDepartVertex(TripPattern pattern,
int stopIndex,
Stop stop) |
TemporaryTransitStop(Stop stop,
StreetVertex streetVertex) |
TemporaryTransitStopArrive(Stop stop,
TransitStop transitStop) |
TemporaryTransitStopDepart(Stop stop,
TransitStop transitStop) |
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