Intermediate Usage of OpenTripPlanner

This page follows up on basic usage with more detailed examples of OpenTripPlanner functionality. It is not an exhaustive list but should serve to demonstrate some useful applications.

Using the web API to plan a transit trip

One of the most important ways that OpenTripPlanner is used is, of course, the planning of trips. You can use the API to request an itinerary from one place to another at a particular time:


The above query makes a request to the locally running server http://localhost:8080/, requesting the planner resource ...otp/routers/default/plan, and passes the following parameters:

If you run this query as is you will very likely get a response saying that a trip has not been found. Try changing the fromPlace, toPlace, time and date parameters to match the location and time period of the data you loaded when you initially built the graph. More (optional) parameters for the planner resource are documented here.

Calculating travel time isochrones

OpenTripPlanner can also be used to calculate the area which is accessible from a point within a given travel time, also known as a travel time isochrone.

example of a set of travel time isochrones

(Image courtesy of marcusyoung)

Here we'll use of the LIsochrone resource in the following query:


Many of the parameters in this GET request should be familiar from the last example, though a few new ones have been added.

The result of the above query, if all goes well, is a geoJSON file with two multipolygons showing the area accessible within both one and one-half hour. Take a look at the LIsochrone resource page for additional options.

Additional resources and documentation

See the configuration page for configuration settings which effect either the router instance or the graph building process (e.g. fare settings, elevation models, request logging, transfer settings, etc.).

It may also be helpful to try running the OTP .jar file with the --help option for a full list of command line parameters.

Full documentation for the API is available here.