Return isochrone geometry as a set of GeoJSON or zipped-shapefile multi-polygons.
Example of request:
name | type | description | default | constraints | multivalued |
routerId | path | The routerId selects between several graphs on the same server. The routerId is pulled from the path, not the query parameters. However, the class RoutingResource is not annotated with a path because we don't want it to be instantiated as an endpoint. Instead, the {routerId} path parameter should be included in the path annotations of all its subclasses. | no | ||
alightSlack | query | int | no | ||
arriveBy | query | Whether the trip should depart or arrive at the specified date and time. | boolean | no | |
bannedAgencies | query | The comma-separated list of banned agencies. | no | ||
bannedRoutes | query | The comma-separated list of banned routes. The format is agency_[routename][_routeid], so TriMet_100 (100 is route short name) or Trimet__42 (two underscores, 42 is the route internal ID). | no | ||
bannedStops | query | A comma-separated list of banned stops. A stop is banned by ignoring its pre-board and pre-alight edges. This means the stop will be reachable via the street network. Also, it is still possible to travel through the stop. Just boarding and alighting is prohibited. The format is agencyId_stopId, so: TriMet_2107 | no | ||
bannedStopsHard | query | A comma-separated list of banned stops. A stop is banned by ignoring its pre-board and pre-alight edges. This means the stop will be reachable via the street network. It is not possible to travel through the stop. For example, this parameter can be used when a train station is destroyed, such that no trains can drive through the station anymore. The format is agencyId_stopId, so: TriMet_2107 | no | ||
bannedTrips | query | The comma-separated list of banned trips. The format is agency_trip[:stop*], so: TriMet_24601 or TriMet_24601:0:1:2:17:18:19 | no | ||
batch | query | If true, goal direction is turned off and a full path tree is built (specify only once) | boolean | no | |
bikeBoardCost | query | Prevents unnecessary transfers by adding a cost for boarding a vehicle. This is the cost that is used when boarding while cycling. This is usually higher that walkBoardCost. | int | no | |
bikeSpeed | query | The user's biking speed in meters/second. Defaults to approximately 11 MPH, or 9.5 for bikeshare. | double | no | |
bikeSwitchCost | query | The cost of the user fetching their bike and parking it again. Defaults to 0. | int | no | |
bikeSwitchTime | query | The time it takes the user to fetch their bike and park it again in seconds. Defaults to 0. | int | no | |
boardSlack | query | int | no | ||
clampInitialWait | query | When subtracting initial wait time, do not subtract more than this value, to prevent overly optimistic trips. Reasoning is that it is reasonable to delay a trip start 15 minutes to make a better trip, but that it is not reasonable to delay a trip start 15 hours; if that is to be done, the time needs to be included in the trip time. This number depends on the transit system; for transit systems where trips are planned around the vehicles, this number can be much higher. For instance, it's perfectly reasonable to delay one's trip 12 hours if one is taking a cross-country Amtrak train from Emeryville to Chicago. Has no effect in stock OTP, only in Analyst. A value of 0 means that initial wait time will not be subtracted out (will be clamped to 0). A value of -1 (the default) means that clamping is disabled, so any amount of initial wait time will be subtracted out. | long | no | |
companies | query | no | |||
coordinateOrigin | query | no | |||
cutoffSec | query | int | yes | ||
date | query | The date that the trip should depart (or arrive, for requests where arriveBy is true). | no | ||
debug | query | boolean | no | ||
disableAlertFiltering | query | boolean | no | ||
disableRemainingWeightHeuristic | query | If true, the remaining weight heuristic is disabled. Currently only implemented for the long distance path service. | boolean | no | |
flexFlagStopBufferSize | query | double | no | ||
flexIgnoreDrtAdvanceBookMin | query | Whether to ignore DRT time limits. According to the GTFS-flex spec, demand-response transit (DRT) service must be reserved at least `drt_advance_book_min` minutes in advance. OTP not allow DRT service to be used inside that time window, unless this parameter is set to true. | boolean | no | |
flexUseEligibilityServices | query | Whether to use eligibility-based services | boolean | no | |
flexUseReservationServices | query | Whether to use reservation-based services | boolean | no | |
fromPlace | query | The start location -- either latitude, longitude pair in degrees or a Vertex
label. For example, 40.714476,-74.005966 or
mtanyctsubway_A27_S . |
no | ||
geoidElevation | query | If true, the Graph's ellipsoidToGeoidDifference is applied to all elevations returned by this query. | boolean | no | |
ignoreRealtimeUpdates | query | If true, realtime updates are ignored during this search. | boolean | no | |
intermediatePlaces | query | An ordered list of intermediate locations to be visited (see the fromPlace for format). Parameter can be specified multiple times. | yes | ||
invalidDateStrategy | query | If request date is invalid, apply the provided strategy to come up with a valid date. | no | ||
locale | query | no | |||
maxHours | query | double | no | ||
maxPreTransitTime | query | The maximum time (in seconds) of pre-transit travel when using drive-to-transit (park and ride or kiss and ride). Defaults to unlimited. | int | no | |
maxTimeSec | query | int | no | ||
maxTransfers | query | The maximum number of transfers (that is, one plus the maximum number of boardings) that a trip will be allowed. Larger values will slow performance, but could give better routes. This is limited on the server side by the MAX_TRANSFERS value in | int | no | |
maxWalkDistance | query | The maximum distance (in meters) the user is willing to walk. Defaults to unlimited. | double | no | |
maximumMicromobilitySpeed | query | The maximum speed of a personal micromobility vehicle. This will cap all speeds on declines to this value even if the physics of the downslope would naturally result in the vehicle traveling faster than this value (ie, the user or the vehicle itself is assumed to be braking). Value in m/s. If this parameter is not provided, a default of 5 m/s (~11mph) is set in the RoutingRequest class. TODO: A future refactor of the code will update StateData data with this value if using a personal micromobility vehicle or with data describing the rental vehicle characteristics. | double | no | |
minTransferTime | query | The minimum time, in seconds, between successive trips on different vehicles. This is designed to allow for imperfect schedule adherence. This is a minimum; transfers over longer distances might use a longer time. | int | no | |
minTransitDistance | query | no | |||
minimumMicromobilitySpeed | query | The minimum speed of a personal micromobility vehicle. This should only be used to avoid unreasonably slow times on hills. If it is desired to model effectively impossible travel uphill (ie the vehicle can't reasonably be transported up a steep enough grade) enter 0. Value in m/s. If this parameter is not provided, a default of 0.8 m/s (~1.8mph) is set in the RoutingRequest class. TODO: A future refactor of the code will update StateData data with this value if using a personal micromobility vehicle or with data describing the rental vehicle characteristics. | double | no | |
mode | query | The set of modes that a user is willing to use, with qualifiers stating whether vehicles should be parked, rented, etc. The possible values of the comma-separated list are:
For a more complete discussion of this parameter see Routing modes. |
no | ||
nonpreferredTransferPenalty | query | An additional penalty added to boardings after the first when the transfer is not preferred. Preferred transfers also include timed transfers. The value is in OTP's internal weight units, which are roughly equivalent to seconds. Set this to a high value to discourage transfers that are not preferred. Of course, transfers that save significant time or walking will still be taken. When no preferred or timed transfer is defined, this value is ignored. | int | no | |
numItineraries | query | The maximum number of possible itineraries to return. | int | no | |
offRoadDistanceMeters | query | 150 | int | no | |
onlyTransitTrips | query | boolean | no | ||
optimize | query | The set of characteristics that the user wants to optimize for. @See OptimizeType | "FLAT" or "GREENWAYS" or "QUICK" or "SAFE" or "TRANSFERS" or "TRIANGLE" | no | |
otherThanPreferredRoutesPenalty | query | Penalty added for using every route that is not preferred if user set any route as preferred, i.e. number of seconds that we are willing to wait for preferred route. | int | no | |
pathComparator | query | Set the method of sorting itineraries in the response. Right now, the only supported value is "duration"; otherwise it uses default sorting. More sorting methods may be added in the future. | no | ||
precisionMeters | query | 200 | int | no | |
preferredAgencies | query | The comma-separated list of preferred agencies. | no | ||
preferredRoutes | query | The list of preferred routes. The format is agency_[routename][_routeid], so TriMet_100 (100 is route short name) or Trimet__42 (two underscores, 42 is the route internal ID). | no | ||
reverseOptimizeOnTheFly | query | If true, this trip will be reverse-optimized on the fly. Otherwise, reverse-optimization will occur once a trip has been chosen (in Analyst, it will not be done at all). | boolean | no | |
searchTimeout | query | long | no | ||
showIntermediateStops | query | Whether intermediate stops -- those that the itinerary passes in a vehicle, but does not board or alight at -- should be returned in the response. For example, on a Q train trip from Prospect Park to DeKalb Avenue, whether 7th Avenue and Atlantic Avenue should be included. | boolean | no | |
startTransitStopId | query | A transit stop required to be the first stop in the search (AgencyId_StopId) | no | ||
startTransitTripId | query | A transit trip acting as a starting "state" for depart-onboard routing (AgencyId_TripId) | no | ||
time | query | The time that the trip should depart (or arrive, for requests where arriveBy is true). | no | ||
toPlace | query | The end location (see fromPlace for format). | no | ||
transferPenalty | query | An additional penalty added to boardings after the first. The value is in OTP's internal weight units, which are roughly equivalent to seconds. Set this to a high value to discourage transfers. Of course, transfers that save significant time or walking will still be taken. | int | no | |
triangleSafetyFactor | query | For bike triangle routing, how much safety matters (range 0-1). | double | no | |
triangleSlopeFactor | query | For bike triangle routing, how much slope matters (range 0-1). | double | no | |
triangleTimeFactor | query | For bike triangle routing, how much time matters (range 0-1). | double | no | |
unpreferredAgencies | query | The comma-separated list of unpreferred agencies. | no | ||
unpreferredRoutes | query | The list of unpreferred routes. The format is agency_[routename][_routeid], so TriMet_100 (100 is route short name) or Trimet__42 (two underscores, 42 is the route internal ID). | no | ||
useRequestedDateTimeInMaxHours | query | boolean | no | ||
waitAtBeginningFactor | query | How much less bad is waiting at the beginning of the trip (replaces waitReluctance) | double | no | |
waitReluctance | query | How much worse is waiting for a transit vehicle than being on a transit vehicle, as a multiplier. The default value treats wait and on-vehicle time as the same. It may be tempting to set this higher than walkReluctance (as studies often find this kind of preferences among riders) but the planner will take this literally and walk down a transit line to avoid waiting at a stop. This used to be set less than 1 (0.95) which would make waiting offboard preferable to waiting onboard in an interlined trip. That is also undesirable. If we only tried the shortest possible transfer at each stop to neighboring stop patterns, this problem could disappear. | double | no | |
walkBoardCost | query | Prevents unnecessary transfers by adding a cost for boarding a vehicle. This is the cost that is used when boarding while walking. | int | no | |
walkReluctance | query | A multiplier for how bad walking is, compared to being in transit for equal lengths of time. Defaults to 2. Empirically, values between 10 and 20 seem to correspond well to the concept of not wanting to walk too much without asking for totally ridiculous itineraries, but this observation should in no way be taken as scientific or definitive. Your mileage may vary. | double | no | |
walkSpeed | query | The user's walking speed in meters/second. Defaults to approximately 3 MPH. | double | no | |
watts | query | The amount of watts a Micromobility vehicle can sustainably output. A micromobility is a vehicle that has a motor and weighs less than a car. Theoretically, this could also model human power. The default is set to 250 watts. Here are some examples of power output assumptions from various micromobility vehicles: 125 watts: Swagtron Turbo 5 hoverboard: 250 watts: Xiaomi M365 500 watts: Razor EcoSmart Metro 1000 watts: Boosted Rev | double | no | |
weight | query | The weight of the Micromobility vehicle and all things transported by the vehicle including the rider. The default is set to 105 kilograms. This assumes a North-American average weight of 80kgs and then 25kgs for vehicle weight. See | double | no | |
wheelchair | query | Whether the trip must be wheelchair accessible. | boolean | no | |
whiteListedAgencies | query | Functions the same as banned agencies, except only the listed agencies are allowed. | no | ||
whiteListedRoutes | query | Functions the same as bannnedRoutes, except only the listed routes are allowed. | no |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) |
GET /routers/{routerId}/isochrone
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
name | type | description | default | constraints | multivalued |
routerId | path | The routerId selects between several graphs on the same server. The routerId is pulled from the path, not the query parameters. However, the class RoutingResource is not annotated with a path because we don't want it to be instantiated as an endpoint. Instead, the {routerId} path parameter should be included in the path annotations of all its subclasses. | no | ||
alightSlack | query | int | no | ||
arriveBy | query | Whether the trip should depart or arrive at the specified date and time. | boolean | no | |
bannedAgencies | query | The comma-separated list of banned agencies. | no | ||
bannedRoutes | query | The comma-separated list of banned routes. The format is agency_[routename][_routeid], so TriMet_100 (100 is route short name) or Trimet__42 (two underscores, 42 is the route internal ID). | no | ||
bannedStops | query | A comma-separated list of banned stops. A stop is banned by ignoring its pre-board and pre-alight edges. This means the stop will be reachable via the street network. Also, it is still possible to travel through the stop. Just boarding and alighting is prohibited. The format is agencyId_stopId, so: TriMet_2107 | no | ||
bannedStopsHard | query | A comma-separated list of banned stops. A stop is banned by ignoring its pre-board and pre-alight edges. This means the stop will be reachable via the street network. It is not possible to travel through the stop. For example, this parameter can be used when a train station is destroyed, such that no trains can drive through the station anymore. The format is agencyId_stopId, so: TriMet_2107 | no | ||
bannedTrips | query | The comma-separated list of banned trips. The format is agency_trip[:stop*], so: TriMet_24601 or TriMet_24601:0:1:2:17:18:19 | no | ||
batch | query | If true, goal direction is turned off and a full path tree is built (specify only once) | boolean | no | |
bikeBoardCost | query | Prevents unnecessary transfers by adding a cost for boarding a vehicle. This is the cost that is used when boarding while cycling. This is usually higher that walkBoardCost. | int | no | |
bikeSpeed | query | The user's biking speed in meters/second. Defaults to approximately 11 MPH, or 9.5 for bikeshare. | double | no | |
bikeSwitchCost | query | The cost of the user fetching their bike and parking it again. Defaults to 0. | int | no | |
bikeSwitchTime | query | The time it takes the user to fetch their bike and park it again in seconds. Defaults to 0. | int | no | |
boardSlack | query | int | no | ||
clampInitialWait | query | When subtracting initial wait time, do not subtract more than this value, to prevent overly optimistic trips. Reasoning is that it is reasonable to delay a trip start 15 minutes to make a better trip, but that it is not reasonable to delay a trip start 15 hours; if that is to be done, the time needs to be included in the trip time. This number depends on the transit system; for transit systems where trips are planned around the vehicles, this number can be much higher. For instance, it's perfectly reasonable to delay one's trip 12 hours if one is taking a cross-country Amtrak train from Emeryville to Chicago. Has no effect in stock OTP, only in Analyst. A value of 0 means that initial wait time will not be subtracted out (will be clamped to 0). A value of -1 (the default) means that clamping is disabled, so any amount of initial wait time will be subtracted out. | long | no | |
companies | query | no | |||
coordinateOrigin | query | no | |||
cutoffSec | query | int | yes | ||
date | query | The date that the trip should depart (or arrive, for requests where arriveBy is true). | no | ||
debug | query | boolean | no | ||
disableAlertFiltering | query | boolean | no | ||
disableRemainingWeightHeuristic | query | If true, the remaining weight heuristic is disabled. Currently only implemented for the long distance path service. | boolean | no | |
flexFlagStopBufferSize | query | double | no | ||
flexIgnoreDrtAdvanceBookMin | query | Whether to ignore DRT time limits. According to the GTFS-flex spec, demand-response transit (DRT) service must be reserved at least `drt_advance_book_min` minutes in advance. OTP not allow DRT service to be used inside that time window, unless this parameter is set to true. | boolean | no | |
flexUseEligibilityServices | query | Whether to use eligibility-based services | boolean | no | |
flexUseReservationServices | query | Whether to use reservation-based services | boolean | no | |
fromPlace | query | The start location -- either latitude, longitude pair in degrees or a Vertex
label. For example, 40.714476,-74.005966 or
mtanyctsubway_A27_S . |
no | ||
geoidElevation | query | If true, the Graph's ellipsoidToGeoidDifference is applied to all elevations returned by this query. | boolean | no | |
ignoreRealtimeUpdates | query | If true, realtime updates are ignored during this search. | boolean | no | |
intermediatePlaces | query | An ordered list of intermediate locations to be visited (see the fromPlace for format). Parameter can be specified multiple times. | yes | ||
invalidDateStrategy | query | If request date is invalid, apply the provided strategy to come up with a valid date. | no | ||
locale | query | no | |||
maxHours | query | double | no | ||
maxPreTransitTime | query | The maximum time (in seconds) of pre-transit travel when using drive-to-transit (park and ride or kiss and ride). Defaults to unlimited. | int | no | |
maxTimeSec | query | int | no | ||
maxTransfers | query | The maximum number of transfers (that is, one plus the maximum number of boardings) that a trip will be allowed. Larger values will slow performance, but could give better routes. This is limited on the server side by the MAX_TRANSFERS value in | int | no | |
maxWalkDistance | query | The maximum distance (in meters) the user is willing to walk. Defaults to unlimited. | double | no | |
maximumMicromobilitySpeed | query | The maximum speed of a personal micromobility vehicle. This will cap all speeds on declines to this value even if the physics of the downslope would naturally result in the vehicle traveling faster than this value (ie, the user or the vehicle itself is assumed to be braking). Value in m/s. If this parameter is not provided, a default of 5 m/s (~11mph) is set in the RoutingRequest class. TODO: A future refactor of the code will update StateData data with this value if using a personal micromobility vehicle or with data describing the rental vehicle characteristics. | double | no | |
minTransferTime | query | The minimum time, in seconds, between successive trips on different vehicles. This is designed to allow for imperfect schedule adherence. This is a minimum; transfers over longer distances might use a longer time. | int | no | |
minTransitDistance | query | no | |||
minimumMicromobilitySpeed | query | The minimum speed of a personal micromobility vehicle. This should only be used to avoid unreasonably slow times on hills. If it is desired to model effectively impossible travel uphill (ie the vehicle can't reasonably be transported up a steep enough grade) enter 0. Value in m/s. If this parameter is not provided, a default of 0.8 m/s (~1.8mph) is set in the RoutingRequest class. TODO: A future refactor of the code will update StateData data with this value if using a personal micromobility vehicle or with data describing the rental vehicle characteristics. | double | no | |
mode | query | The set of modes that a user is willing to use, with qualifiers stating whether vehicles should be parked, rented, etc. The possible values of the comma-separated list are:
For a more complete discussion of this parameter see Routing modes. |
no | ||
nonpreferredTransferPenalty | query | An additional penalty added to boardings after the first when the transfer is not preferred. Preferred transfers also include timed transfers. The value is in OTP's internal weight units, which are roughly equivalent to seconds. Set this to a high value to discourage transfers that are not preferred. Of course, transfers that save significant time or walking will still be taken. When no preferred or timed transfer is defined, this value is ignored. | int | no | |
numItineraries | query | The maximum number of possible itineraries to return. | int | no | |
offRoadDistanceMeters | query | 150 | int | no | |
onlyTransitTrips | query | boolean | no | ||
optimize | query | The set of characteristics that the user wants to optimize for. @See OptimizeType | "FLAT" or "GREENWAYS" or "QUICK" or "SAFE" or "TRANSFERS" or "TRIANGLE" | no | |
otherThanPreferredRoutesPenalty | query | Penalty added for using every route that is not preferred if user set any route as preferred, i.e. number of seconds that we are willing to wait for preferred route. | int | no | |
pathComparator | query | Set the method of sorting itineraries in the response. Right now, the only supported value is "duration"; otherwise it uses default sorting. More sorting methods may be added in the future. | no | ||
precisionMeters | query | 200 | int | no | |
preferredAgencies | query | The comma-separated list of preferred agencies. | no | ||
preferredRoutes | query | The list of preferred routes. The format is agency_[routename][_routeid], so TriMet_100 (100 is route short name) or Trimet__42 (two underscores, 42 is the route internal ID). | no | ||
reverseOptimizeOnTheFly | query | If true, this trip will be reverse-optimized on the fly. Otherwise, reverse-optimization will occur once a trip has been chosen (in Analyst, it will not be done at all). | boolean | no | |
searchTimeout | query | long | no | ||
showIntermediateStops | query | Whether intermediate stops -- those that the itinerary passes in a vehicle, but does not board or alight at -- should be returned in the response. For example, on a Q train trip from Prospect Park to DeKalb Avenue, whether 7th Avenue and Atlantic Avenue should be included. | boolean | no | |
shpName | query | no | |||
startTransitStopId | query | A transit stop required to be the first stop in the search (AgencyId_StopId) | no | ||
startTransitTripId | query | A transit trip acting as a starting "state" for depart-onboard routing (AgencyId_TripId) | no | ||
stream | query | true | required | no | |
time | query | The time that the trip should depart (or arrive, for requests where arriveBy is true). | no | ||
toPlace | query | The end location (see fromPlace for format). | no | ||
transferPenalty | query | An additional penalty added to boardings after the first. The value is in OTP's internal weight units, which are roughly equivalent to seconds. Set this to a high value to discourage transfers. Of course, transfers that save significant time or walking will still be taken. | int | no | |
triangleSafetyFactor | query | For bike triangle routing, how much safety matters (range 0-1). | double | no | |
triangleSlopeFactor | query | For bike triangle routing, how much slope matters (range 0-1). | double | no | |
triangleTimeFactor | query | For bike triangle routing, how much time matters (range 0-1). | double | no | |
unpreferredAgencies | query | The comma-separated list of unpreferred agencies. | no | ||
unpreferredRoutes | query | The list of unpreferred routes. The format is agency_[routename][_routeid], so TriMet_100 (100 is route short name) or Trimet__42 (two underscores, 42 is the route internal ID). | no | ||
useRequestedDateTimeInMaxHours | query | boolean | no | ||
waitAtBeginningFactor | query | How much less bad is waiting at the beginning of the trip (replaces waitReluctance) | double | no | |
waitReluctance | query | How much worse is waiting for a transit vehicle than being on a transit vehicle, as a multiplier. The default value treats wait and on-vehicle time as the same. It may be tempting to set this higher than walkReluctance (as studies often find this kind of preferences among riders) but the planner will take this literally and walk down a transit line to avoid waiting at a stop. This used to be set less than 1 (0.95) which would make waiting offboard preferable to waiting onboard in an interlined trip. That is also undesirable. If we only tried the shortest possible transfer at each stop to neighboring stop patterns, this problem could disappear. | double | no | |
walkBoardCost | query | Prevents unnecessary transfers by adding a cost for boarding a vehicle. This is the cost that is used when boarding while walking. | int | no | |
walkReluctance | query | A multiplier for how bad walking is, compared to being in transit for equal lengths of time. Defaults to 2. Empirically, values between 10 and 20 seem to correspond well to the concept of not wanting to walk too much without asking for totally ridiculous itineraries, but this observation should in no way be taken as scientific or definitive. Your mileage may vary. | double | no | |
walkSpeed | query | The user's walking speed in meters/second. Defaults to approximately 3 MPH. | double | no | |
watts | query | The amount of watts a Micromobility vehicle can sustainably output. A micromobility is a vehicle that has a motor and weighs less than a car. Theoretically, this could also model human power. The default is set to 250 watts. Here are some examples of power output assumptions from various micromobility vehicles: 125 watts: Swagtron Turbo 5 hoverboard: 250 watts: Xiaomi M365 500 watts: Razor EcoSmart Metro 1000 watts: Boosted Rev | double | no | |
weight | query | The weight of the Micromobility vehicle and all things transported by the vehicle including the rider. The default is set to 105 kilograms. This assumes a North-American average weight of 80kgs and then 25kgs for vehicle weight. See | double | no | |
wheelchair | query | Whether the trip must be wheelchair accessible. | boolean | no | |
whiteListedAgencies | query | Functions the same as banned agencies, except only the listed agencies are allowed. | no | ||
whiteListedRoutes | query | Functions the same as bannnedRoutes, except only the listed routes are allowed. | no |
media type | data type | description |
application/x-zip-compressed | object |
GET /routers/{routerId}/isochrone
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/x-zip-compressed
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/x-zip-compressed