Configuring OpenTripPlanner

Base directory

The OTP base directory defaults to /var/otp. Unless you tell OTP otherwise, all other configuration, input files and storage directories will be sought immediately beneath this one. This prefix follows UNIX conventions so it should work in Linux and Mac OSX environments, but it is inappropriate in Windows and where the user running OTP either cannot obtain permissions to /var or simply wishes to experiment within his or her home directory rather than deploy a system-wide server. In these cases one should use the basePath switch when starting up OTP to override the default. For example: --basePath /home/username/otp on a Linux system, --basePath /Users/username/otp in Mac OSX, or --basePath C:\Users\username\otp in Windows.


A single OTP instance can handle several regions independently. Each of these separate (but potentially geographically overlapping) services is called a router and is referred to by a short unique ID such as 'newyork' or 'paris'. Each router has its own subdirectory in a directory called 'graphs' directly under the OTP base directory, and each router's directory is always named after its router ID. Thus, by default the files for the router 'tokyo' will be located at /var/otp/graphs/tokyo. Here is an example directory layout for an OTP instance with two routers, one for New York City and one for Portland, Oregon:

├── cache
│   └── ned
└── graphs
    ├── nyc
    │   ├── build-config.json
    │   ├── Graph.obj
    │   ├──
    │   ├──
    │   ├── new-york-city.osm.pbf
    │   └──
    └── pdx
        ├── build-config.json
        ├── Graph.obj
        ├── portland_oregon.osm.pbf
        └── router-config.json

You can see that each of these subdirectories contains one or more GTFS feeds (which are just zip files full of comma-separated tables), a PBF street map file, some JSON configuration files, and another file called Graph.obj. On startup, OTP scans router directories for input and configuration files, and can optionally store the resulting combined representation of the transportation network as Graph.obj in the same directory to avoid re-processing the data the next time it starts up. The cache directory is where OTP will store its local copies of resources fetched from the internet, such as US elevation tiles.

System-wide vs. graph build vs. router configuration

OTP is configured via JSON files. The file otp-config.json is placed in the OTP base directory and contains settings that affect the entire OTP instance. Each router within that instance is configured using two other JSON files placed alongside the input files (OSM, GTFS, elevation data etc.) in the router's directory. These router-level config files are named build-config.json and router-config.json. Each configuration option within each of these files is optional, as are all three of the files themselves. If any option or an entire file is missing, reasonable defaults will be applied.

Some parts of the process that loads the street and transit network description are time consuming and memory-hungry. To avoid repeating these slow steps every time OTP starts up, we can trigger them manually whenever the input files change, saving the resulting transportation network description to disk. We call this prepared product a graph (following mathematical terminology), and refer to these "heavier" steps as graph building. They are controlled by build-config.json. There are many other details of OTP operation that can be modified without requiring the potentially long operation of rebuilding the graph. These run-time configuration options are found in router-config.json.

Graph build configuration

This table lists the possible settings that can be defined in a build-config.json file. Sections follow that describe particular settings in more depth.

config key description value type value default notes
htmlAnnotations Generate nice HTML report of Graph errors/warnings (annotations) boolean false
transit Include all transit input files (GTFS) from scanned directory boolean true
useTransfersTxt Create direct transfer edges from transfers.txt in GTFS, instead of based on distance boolean false
parentStopLinking Link GTFS stops to their parent stops boolean false
stationTransfers Create direct transfers between the constituent stops of each parent station boolean false
stopClusterMode Stop clusters can be built in one of two ways, either by geographical proximity and name, or according to a parent/child station topology, if it exists enum proximity options: proximity, parentStation
subwayAccessTime Minutes necessary to reach stops served by trips on routes of route_type=1 (subway) from the street double 2.0 units: minutes
streets Include street input files (OSM/PBF) boolean true
embedRouterConfig Embed the Router config in the graph, which allows it to be sent to a server fully configured over the wire boolean true
areaVisibility Perform visibility calculations. If this is true OTP attempts to calculate a path straight through an OSM area using the shortest way rather than around the edge of it. (These calculations can be time consuming). boolean false
platformEntriesLinking Link unconnected entries to public transport platforms boolean false
matchBusRoutesToStreets Based on GTFS shape data, guess which OSM streets each bus runs on to improve stop linking boolean false
fetchElevationUS Download US NED elevation data and apply it to the graph boolean false
elevationBucket If specified, download NED elevation tiles from the given AWS S3 bucket object null provide an object with accessKey, secretKey, and bucketName for AWS S3
readCachedElevations If true, reads in pre-calculated elevation data. boolean true see Elevation Data Calculation Optimizations
writeCachedElevations If true, writes the calculated elevation data. boolean false see Elevation Data Calculation Optimizations
multiThreadElevationCalculations If true, the elevation module will use multi-threading during elevation calculations. boolean false see Elevation Data Calculation Optimizations
elevationUnitMultiplier Specify a multiplier to convert elevation units from source to meters double 1.0 see Elevation unit conversion
fares A specific fares service to use object null see fares configuration
osmNaming A custom OSM namer to use object null see custom naming
osmWayPropertySet Custom OSM way properties string default options: default, norway, uk
staticBikeRental Whether bike rental stations should be loaded from OSM, rather than periodically dynamically pulled from APIs boolean false
staticParkAndRide Whether we should create car P+R stations from OSM data boolean true
staticBikeParkAndRide Whether we should create bike P+R stations from OSM data boolean false
maxHtmlAnnotationsPerFile If number of annotations is larger then specified number annotations will be split in multiple files int 1,000
maxInterlineDistance Maximal distance between stops in meters that will connect consecutive trips that are made with same vehicle int 200 units: meters
islandWithoutStopsMaxSize Pruning threshold for islands without stops. Any such island under this size will be pruned int 40
islandWithStopsMaxSize Pruning threshold for islands with stops. Any such island under this size will be pruned int 5
banDiscouragedWalking should walking should be allowed on OSM ways tagged with foot=discouraged" boolean false
banDiscouragedBiking should walking should be allowed on OSM ways tagged with bicycle=discouraged" boolean false
maxTransferDistance Transfers up to this length in meters will be pre-calculated and included in the Graph double 2,000 units: meters
extraEdgesStopPlatformLink add extra edges when linking a stop to a platform, to prevent detours along the platform edge boolean false
micromobilityTravelRestrictionsUrlOrFile Loads in a GeoJSON file that represents areas where it is forbidden to traverse a StreetEdge with the MICROMOBILITY mode. string null see Micromobility Restrictions
micromobilityDropoffRestrictionsUrlOrFile Loads in a GeoJSON file that represents areas where it is forbidden to dropoff a rented micromobility vehicle. string null see Micromobility Restrictions

This list of parameters in defined in the code for GraphBuilderParameters.

Reaching a subway platform

The boarding locations for some modes of transport such as subways and airplanes can be slow to reach from the street. When planning a trip, we need to allow additional time to reach these locations to properly inform the passenger. For example, this helps avoid suggesting short bus rides between two subway rides as a way to improve travel time. You can specify how long it takes to reach a subway platform

// build-config.json
  "subwayAccessTime": 2.5

Stops in GTFS do not necessarily serve a single transit mode, but in practice this is usually the case. This additional access time will be added to any stop that is visited by trips on subway routes (GTFS route_type = 1).

This setting does not generalize well to airplanes because you often need much longer to check in to a flight (2-3 hours for international flights) than to alight and exit the airport (perhaps 1 hour). Therefore there is currently no per-mode access time, it is subway-specific.

Transferring within stations

Subway systems tend to exist in their own layer of the city separate from the surface, though there are exceptions where tracks lie right below the street and transfers happen via the surface. In systems where the subway is quite deep and transfers happen via tunnels, the time required for an in-station transfer is often less than that for a surface transfer. A proposal was made to provide detailed station pathways in GTFS but it is not in common use.

One way to resolve this problem is by ensuring that the GTFS feed codes each platform as a separate stop, then micro-mapping stations in OSM. When OSM data contains a detailed description of walkways, stairs, and platforms within a station, GTFS stops can be linked to the nearest platform and transfers will happen via the OSM ways, which should yield very realistic transfer time expectations. This works particularly well in above-ground train stations where the layering of non-intersecting ways is less prevalent. Here's an example in the Netherlands:

View Larger Map When such micro-mapping data is not available, we need to rely on information from GTFS including how stops are grouped into stations and a table of transfer timings where available. During the graph build, OTP can create preferential connections between each pair of stops in the same station to favor in-station transfers:

// build-config.json
  "stationTransfers": true

Note that this method is at odds with micro-mapping and might make some transfers artificially short.

Elevation data

OpenTripPlanner can "drape" the OSM street network over a digital elevation model (DEM). This allows OTP to draw an elevation profile for the on-street portion of itineraries, and helps provide better routing for bicyclists. It even helps avoid hills for walking itineraries. DEMs are usually supplied as rasters (regular grids of numbers) stored in image formats such as GeoTIFF.

U.S. National Elevation Dataset

In the United States, a high resolution National Elevation Dataset is available for the entire territory. The US Geological Survey (USGS) delivers this dataset in tiles via a somewhat awkward heavyweight web-based GIS which generates and emails you download links. OpenTripPlanner contains a module which will automatically contact this service and download the proper tiles to completely cover your transit and street network area. This process is rather slow (download is around 1.5 hours, then setting elevation for streets takes about 5 minutes for the Portland, Oregon region), but once the tiles are downloaded OTP will keep them in local cache for the next graph build operation.

To auto-download NED tiles when building your graph, add the following line to build-config.json in your router directory:

// build-config.json
  "fetchElevationUS": true

You may also want to add the --cache <directory> command line parameter to specify a custom NED tile cache location.

NED downloads take quite a long time and slow down the graph building process. The USGS will also deliver the whole dataset in bulk if you send them a hard drive. OpenTripPlanner contains another module that will then automatically fetch data in this format from an Amazon S3 copy of your bulk data. You can configure it as follows in build-config.json:

    "elevationBucket" : {
        "accessKey" : "your-aws-access-key",
        "secretKey" : "corresponding-aws-secret-key",
        "bucketName" : "ned13"

Geoid Difference

With some elevation data, the elevation values are specified as relative to the a geoid (irregular estimate of mean sea level). See issue #2301 for detailed discussion of this. In these cases, it is necessary to also add this geoid value onto the elevation value to get the correct result. OTP can automatically calculate these values in one of two ways.

The first way is to use the geoid difference value that is calculated once at the center of the graph. This value is returned in each trip plan response in the ElevationMetadata field. Using a single value can be sufficient for smaller OTP deployments, but might result in incorrect values at the edges of larger OTP deployments. If your OTP instance uses this, it is recommended to set a default request value in the router-config.json file as follows:

// router-config.json
    "routingDefaults": {
        "geoidElevation ": true   

The second way is to precompute these geoid difference values at a more granular level and include them when calculating elevations for each sampled point along each street edge. In order to speed up calculations, the geoid difference values are calculated and cached using only 2 significant digits of GPS coordinates. This is more than enough detail for most regions of the world and should result in less than one meter of difference in areas that have large changes in geoid difference values. To enable this, include the following in the build-config.json file:

// build-config.json
  "includeEllipsoidToGeoidDifference": true

If the geoid difference values are precomputed, be careful to not set the routing resource value of geoidElevation to true in order to avoid having the graph-wide geoid added again to all elevation values in the relevant street edges in responses.

Other raster elevation data

For other parts of the world you will need a GeoTIFF file containing the elevation data. These are often available from national geographic surveys, or you can always fall back on the worldwide Space Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data. This not particularly high resolution (roughly 30 meters horizontally) but it can give acceptable results.

Simply place the elevation data file in the directory with the other graph builder inputs, alongside the GTFS and OSM data. Make sure the file has a .tiff or .tif extension, and the graph builder should detect its presence and apply the elevation data to the streets.

OTP should automatically handle DEM GeoTIFFs in most common projections. You may want to check for elevation-related error messages during the graph build process to make sure OTP has properly discovered the projection. If you are using a DEM in unprojected coordinates make sure that the axis order is (longitude, latitude) rather than (latitude, longitude). Unfortunately there is no reliable standard for WGS84 axis order, so OTP uses the same axis order as the above-mentioned SRTM data, which is also the default for the popular Proj4 library.

DEM files(USGS DEM) is not supported by OTP, but can be converted to GeoTIFF with tools like GDAL. Use -o merged.tiff *.dem to merge a set of dem files into one tif file.

See Interline PlanetUtils for a set of scripts to download, merge, and resample Mapzen/Amazon Terrain Tiles.

Elevation unit conversion

By default, OTP expects the elevation data to use metres. However, by setting elevationUnitMultiplier in build-config.json, it is possible to define a multiplier that converts the elevation values from some other unit to metres.

// build-config.json
  // Correct conversation multiplier when source data uses decimetres instead of metres
  "elevationUnitMultiplier": 0.1

Elevation Data Calculation Optimizations

Calculating elevations on all StreetEdges can take a dramatically long time. In a very large graph build for multiple Northeast US states, the time it took to download the elevation data and calculate all of the elevations took 5,509 seconds (roughly 1.5 hours).

If you are using cloud computing for your OTP instances, it is recommended to create prebuilt images that contain the elevation data you need. This will save time because all of the data won't need to be downloaded.

However, the bulk of the time will still be spent calculating elevations for all of the street edges. Therefore, a further optimization can be done to calculate and save the elevation data during a graph build and then save it for future use.

Reusing elevation data from previous builds

In order to write out the precalculated elevation data, add this to your build-config.json file:

// build-config.json
  "writeCachedElevations": true

After building the graph, a file called cached_elevations.obj will be written to the cache directory. By default, this file is not written during graph builds. There is also a graph build parameter called readCachedElevations which is set to true by default.

In graph builds, the elevation module will attempt to read the cached_elevations.obj file from the cache directory. The cache directory defaults to /var/otp/cache, but this can be overriden via the CLI argument --cache <directory>. For the same graph build for multiple Northeast US states, the time it took with using this predownloaded and precalculated data became 543.7 seconds (roughly 9 minutes).

The cached data is a lookup table where the coordinate sequences of respective street edges are used as keys for calculated data. It is assumed that all of the other input data except for the OpenStreetMap data remains the same between graph builds. Therefore, if the underlying elevation data is changed, or a different configuration value for includeEllipsoidToGeoidDifference is used, then this data becomes invalid and all elevation data should be recalculated. Over time, various edits to OpenStreetMap will cause this cached data to become stale and not include new OSM ways. Therefore, periodic update of this cached data is recommended.

Configuring multi-threading during elevation calculations

For unknown reasons that seem to depend on data and machine settings, it might be faster to use a single processor. For this reason, multi-threading of elevation calculations is only done if multiThreadElevationCalculations is set to true. To enable multi-threading in the elevation module, add the following to the build-config.json file:

// build-config.json
  "multiThreadElevationCalculations": true

Fares configuration

By default OTP will compute fares according to the GTFS specification if fare data is provided in your GTFS input. For more complex scenarios or to handle bike rental fares, it is necessary to manually configure fares using the fares section in build-config.json. You can combine different fares (for example transit and bike-rental) by defining a combinationStrategy parameter, and a list of sub-fares to combine (all fields starting with fare are considered to be sub-fares).

// build-config.json
  // Select the custom fare "seattle"
  "fares": "seattle",
  // OR this alternative form that could allow additional configuration
  "fares": {
    "type": "seattle"
// build-config.json
  "fares": {
    // Combine two fares by simply adding them
    "combinationStrategy": "additive",
    // First fare to combine
    "fare0": "new-york",
    // Second fare to combine
    "fare1": {
      "type": "bike-rental-time-based",
      "currency": "USD",
      "prices": {
          // For trip shorter than 30', $4 fare
          "30":   4.00,
          // For trip shorter than 1h, $6 fare
          "1:00": 6.00
    // We could also add fareFoo, fareBar...

The current list of custom fare type is:

The current list of combinationStrategy is:

OSM / OpenStreetMap configuration

It is possible to adjust how OSM data is interpreted by OpenTripPlanner when building the road part of the routing graph.

Way property sets

OSM tags have different meanings in different countries, and how the roads in a particular country or region are tagged affects routing. As an example are roads tagged with `highway=trunk (mainly) walkable in Norway, but forbidden in some other countries. This might lead to OTP being unable to snap stops to these roads, or by giving you poor routing results for walking and biking. You can adjust which road types that are accessible by foot, car & bicycle as well as speed limits, suitability for biking and walking.

There are currently 3 wayPropertySets defined;

To add your own custom property set have a look at org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.module.osm.NorwayWayPropertySet and org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.module.osm.DefaultWayPropertySet. If you choose to mainly rely on the default rules, make sure you add your own rules first before applying the default ones. The mechanism is that for any two identical tags, OTP will use the first one.

// build-config.json
  osmWayPropertySet: "norway"

Custom naming

You can define a custom naming scheme for elements drawn from OSM by defining an osmNaming field in build-config.json, such as:

// build-config.json
  "osmNaming": "portland"

There is currently only one custom naming module called portland (which has no parameters).

Micromobility Restrictions

By default, OTP allows the traversal of any StreetEdge by a micromobility vehicle where a bicycle is also allowed to traverse the StreetEdge. Also by default, OTP allows rented micromobility vehicles to be dropped off on any StreetEdge in the graph.

It is possible to load in restricted micromobility travel and rental parking areas that will be applied throughout the graph. There are two separate keys that can be added to describe either areas where travel is forbidden or where parking floating rental vehicles is forbidden. Each file must contain GeoJson with a Feature or FeatureCollection that contains only Polygons or MultiPolygons. If any part of the geometry of a StreetEdge intersects any part of the given GeoJSON, then the entire StreetEdge will be marked as either not allowing traversal or not allowing the dropoff of a rented micromobility vehicle depending on the restriction being analyzed. The values of these keys can be either a url or a file path. For example:

// build-config.json
  "micromobilityTravelRestrictionsUrlOrFile": "file:/some/path/no_riding_zones.geojson",
  "micromobilityDropoffRestrictionsUrlOrFile": ""

Runtime router configuration

This section covers all options that can be set for each router using the router-config.json file. These options can be applied by the OTP server without rebuilding the graph.

config key description value type value default notes
routingDefaults Default routing parameters, which will be applied to every request object see routing defaults
timeout maximum time limit for route queries double null units: seconds; see timeouts
timeouts when returning multiple itineraries, set different maximum time limits for the 1st, 2nd, etc. itinerary array of doubles [5, 4, 2] units: seconds; see timeouts
requestLogFile Path to a plain-text file where requests will be logged string null see logging incoming requests
boardTimes change boarding times by mode object null see boarding and alighting times
alightTimes change alighting times by mode object null see boarding and alighting times
updaters configure real-time updaters, such as GTFS-realtime feeds object null see configuring real-time updaters

Routing defaults

There are many trip planning options used in the OTP web API, and more exist internally that are not exposed via the API. You may want to change the default value for some of these parameters, i.e. the value which will be applied unless it is overridden in a web API request.

A full list of them can be found in the RoutingRequest class in the Javadoc. Any public field or setter method in this class can be given a default value using the routingDefaults section of router-config.json as follows:

    "routingDefaults": {
        "walkSpeed": 2.0,
        "stairsReluctance": 4.0,
        "carDropoffTime": 240

Routing modes

The routing request parameter mode determines which transport modalities should be considered when calculating the list of routes.

Some modes (mostly bicycle and car) also have optional qualifiers RENT, HAIL or PARK to specify if vehicles are to be parked at a station or rented. In theory this can also apply to other modes but makes sense only in select cases which are listed below.

Whether a transport mode is available highly depends on the input feeds (GTFS, OSM, bike sharing feeds) and the graph building options supplied to OTP.

The complete list of modes are:

The following modes are 1-to-1 mappings from the GTFS route_type:

Lastly, this mode is part of the Extended GTFS route types:

Note that there are conceptual overlaps between TRAM, SUBWAY and RAIL and some transport providers categorize their routes differently to others. In other words, what is considered a SUBWAY in one city might be of type RAIL in another. Study your input GTFS feed carefully to find out the appropriate mapping in your region.

Drive-to-transit routing defaults

When using the "park and ride" or "kiss and ride" modes (drive to transit), the initial driving time to reach a transit stop or park and ride facility is constrained. You can set a drive time limit in seconds by adding a line like maxPreTransitTime = 1200 to the routingDefaults section. If the limit is too high on a very large street graph, routing performance may suffer.

Boarding and alighting times

Sometimes there is a need to configure a longer boarding or alighting times for specific modes, such as airplanes or ferries, where the check-in process needs to be done in good time before boarding. The boarding time is added to the time when going from the stop (offboard) vertex to the onboard vertex, and the alight time is added vice versa. The times are configured as seconds needed for the boarding and alighting processes in router-config.json as follows:

  "boardTimes": {
    "AIRPLANE": 2700
  "alightTimes": {
    "AIRPLANE": 1200


Path searches can sometimes take a long time to complete, especially certain problematic cases that have yet to be optimized. Often a first itinerary is found quickly, but it is time-consuming or impossible to find subsequent alternative itineraries and this delays the response. You can set timeouts to avoid tying up server resources on pointless searches and ensure that your users receive a timely response. When a search times out, a WARN level log entry is made with information that can help identify problematic searches and improve our routing methods. The simplest timeout option is:

// router-config.json
  "timeout": 5.5

This specifies a single timeout in (optionally fractional) seconds. Searching is aborted after this many seconds and any paths already found are returned to the client. This is equivalent to specifying a timeouts array with a single element. The alternative is:

// router-config.json
  "timeouts": [5, 4, 3, 1]

Here, the configuration key is timeouts (plural) and we specify an array of times in floating-point seconds. The Nth element in the array applies to the Nth itinerary search, and importantly all values are relative to the beginning of the search for the first itinerary. If OTP is configured to find more itineraries than there are elements in the timeouts array, the final element in the timeouts array will apply to all remaining unmatched searches.

This allows you to keep overall response time down while ensuring that the end user will get at least one response, providing more only when it won't hurt response time. The timeout values will typically be decreasing to reflect the decreasing marginal value of alternative itineraries: everyone wants at least one response, it's nice to have two for comparison, but we only care about having three, four, or more options if completing those extra searches doesn't cause annoyingly long response times.

Logging incoming requests

You can log some characteristics of trip planning requests in a file for later analysis. Some transit agencies and operators find this information useful for identifying existing or unmet transportation demand. Logging will be performed only if you specify a log file name in the router config:

// router-config.json
  "requestLogFile": "/var/otp/request.log"

Each line in the resulting log file will look like this:

2016-04-19T18:23:13.486 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 ARRIVE 2016-04-07T00:17 WALK,BUS,CABLE_CAR,TRANSIT,BUSISH 45.559737193889966 -122.64999389648438 45.525592487765635 -122.39044189453124 6095 3 5864 3 6215 3

The fields are separated by whitespace and are (in order):

  1. Date and time the request was received
  2. IP address of the user
  3. Arrive or depart search
  4. The arrival or departure time
  5. A comma-separated list of all transport modes selected
  6. Origin latitude and longitude
  7. Destination latitude and longitude

Finally, for each itinerary returned to the user, there is a travel duration in seconds and the number of transit vehicles used in that itinerary.

Real-time data

GTFS feeds contain schedule data that is is published by an agency or operator in advance. The feed does not account for unexpected service changes or traffic disruptions that occur from day to day. Thus, this kind of data is also referred to as 'static' data or 'theoretical' arrival and departure times.


The GTFS-RT spec complements GTFS with three additional kinds of feeds. In contrast to the base GTFS schedule feed, they provide real-time updates ('dynamic' data) and are are updated from minute to minute.

Bicycle rental systems

Besides GTFS-RT transit data, OTP can also fetch real-time data about bicycle rental networks including the number of bikes and free parking spaces at each station. We support bike rental systems from JCDecaux, BCycle, VCub, Keolis, Bixi, the Dutch OVFiets system, ShareBike, GBFS and a generic KML format. It is straightforward to extend OTP to support any bike rental system that exposes a JSON API or provides KML place markers, though it requires writing a little code.

The generic KML needs to be in format like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<kml xmlns="">
<Document id="root_doc">
<Schema name="citybikes" id="citybikes">
    <SimpleField name="ID" type="int"></SimpleField>
    <name>A Bike Station</name>
    <ExtendedData><SchemaData schemaUrl="#citybikes">
        <SimpleData name="ID">0</SimpleData>

Configuring real-time updaters

Real-time data can be provided using either a pull or push system. In a pull configuration, the GTFS-RT consumer polls the real-time provider over HTTP. That is to say, OTP fetches a file from a web server every few minutes. In the push configuration, the consumer opens a persistent connection to the GTFS-RT provider, which then sends incremental updates immediately as they become available. OTP can use both approaches. The OneBusAway GTFS-realtime exporter project provides this kind of streaming, incremental updates over a websocket rather than a single large file.

Real-time data sources are configured in router-config.json. The updaters section is an array of JSON objects, each of which has a type field and other configuration fields specific to that type. Common to all updater entries that connect to a network resource is the url field.

// router-config.json
    // Routing defaults are any public field or setter in the Java class
    // org.opentripplanner.routing.core.RoutingRequest
    "routingDefaults": {
        "numItineraries": 6,
        "walkSpeed": 2.0,
        "stairsReluctance": 4.0,
        "carDropoffTime": 240

    "updaters": [

        // GTFS-RT service alerts (frequent polling)
            "type": "real-time-alerts",
            "frequencySec": 30,
            "url": "",
            "feedId": "TriMet"

        // Polling bike rental updater.
        // sourceType can be: jcdecaux, b-cycle, bixi, keolis-rennes, ov-fiets,
        // city-bikes, citi-bike-nyc, next-bike, vcub, kml
            "type": "bike-rental",
            "frequencySec": 300,
            "sourceType": "city-bikes",
            "url": "http://host.domain.tld"

        //<!--- San Francisco Bay Area bike share -->
          "type": "bike-rental",
          "frequencySec": 300,
          "sourceType": "sf-bay-area",
          "url": ""

        //<!--- Tampa Area bike share -->
          "type": "bike-rental",
          "frequencySec": 300,
          "sourceType": "gbfs",
          "url": ""

        // Polling bike rental updater for DC bikeshare (a Bixi system)
        // Negative update frequency means to run once and then stop updating (essentially static data)
            "type": "bike-rental",
            "sourceType": "bixi",
            "url": "",
            "frequencySec": -1

        // Bike parking availability
            "type": "bike-park"

        // Polling for GTFS-RT TripUpdates)
            "type": "stop-time-updater",
            "frequencySec": 60,
            // this is either http or file... shouldn't it default to http or guess from the presence of a URL?
            "sourceType": "gtfs-http",
            "url": "",
            "feedId": "TriMet"

        // Streaming differential GTFS-RT TripUpdates over websockets
            "type": "websocket-gtfs-rt-updater"

GBFS Configuration

Steps to add a GBFS feed to a router:

     "type": "bike-rental",
     "frequencySec": 60,
     "sourceType": "gbfs",
     "url": ""
type: "bike-rental"
frequencySec: frequency in seconds in which the GBFS service will be polled
sourceType: "gbfs"
url: the URL of the GBFS feed (do not include the gbfs.json at the end) *

* For a list of known GBFS feeds see the list of known GBFS feeds

Transportation Network Company Configuration

A transportation network company (TNC) is a company that provides on-demand car hailing services. When one of these updaters is configured it is possible to plan trips where part or all of the journey involves a passenger being picked up, transported in a car and then dropped off at another location.

A TNC updater can be configured with either a company that has an API for determining arrival and ride estimates, or with a simple "No API" updater that always returns a default arrival estimate and 0 duration and $0 ride estimates.

For the TNC updaters with APIs, it is possible to add either Uber or Lyft as a TNC updater, assuming that either of those companies allow you to access their APIs. OTP provides helper methods for making authenticated requests to each provider's API and also for verifying that TNC service exists when making certain routing requests that use a TNC for part or all of the trip.

For each TNC updater, you have to manually determine what the ride type ids are for wheelchair-accessible services in the area that OTP will be planning trips in.

    "type": "transportation-network-company-updater",
    "sourceType": "no-api",
    "defaultArrivalTimeSeconds": 123,
    "isWheelChairAccessible": true

If the defaultArrivalTimeSeconds is set in the config, this value will always be returned as the default arrival estimate. Otherwise, a default arrival estimate of 0 seconds is used.

If the isWheelChairAccessible is set to true, then the arrival and ride estimates will show that the ride type of the TNC allows wheelchairs.

    "type": "transportation-network-company-updater",
    "sourceType": "uber",
    "serverToken": "YOUR-SECRET-TOKEN",
    "wheelChairAccessibleRideType": "REGION-SPECIFIC-ID"
    "type": "transportation-network-company-updater",
    "sourceType": "lyft",
    "clientId": "YOUR-CLIENT-ID",
    "clientSecret": "YOUR-CLIENT-SECRET"

Car Rental Configuration

Currently, it is possible to add an updater for car2go if they provide you with data for where their cars are. This updater reads in data from a url or file about the vehicle positions and the areas where the cars are allowed to be dropped off inside of. The data format is a list of JSON objects. The regions data must be valid GeoJSON of Polygons or MultiPolygons in either a Feature or a Feature collection.

Add one entry in the updater field of router-config.json in the format:

    "type": "car-rental-updater",
    "sourceType": "car2go",
    "frequencySec": 60,
    "vehiclesUrl": "",
    "regionsUrl": ""

Micromobility Rental Configuration

Adding networks of micromobility vehicles is very similar to adding in bikeshare, but the underlying code that determines how it is possible to pickup and dropoff vehicles and the speed at which they travel is different. Also, it is possible to add in data about where the vehicles can be dropped off at.

The network field is used both internally and externally to identify the extent and use of this particular vehicle rental system. It's required for systems with more than 1 vehicle rental operator.

The url field must point to the root gbfs.json endpoint.

Add one entry in the updater field of router-config.json in the format:

    "type": "vehicle-rental-updater",
    "frequencySec": 60,
    "network": "LIME",
    "sourceType": "gbfs",
    "url": "",
    "regionsUrl": "file:/home/workspace/boundary.json"

Configure using command-line arguments

Certain settings can be provided on the command line, when starting OpenTripPlanner. See the CommandLineParameters class for a full list of arguments.