Package | Description |
org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.annotation |
Graph builder annotation classes represent errors or exceptional conditions encountered
during the graph bulding process.
org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.module | |
org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.module.stopsAlerts | |
org.opentripplanner.profile | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.algorithm | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype.flex | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.flex | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.graph | | | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype.flex |
Constructor and Description |
NonStationParentStation(TransitStop stop) |
StopLinkedTooFar(TransitStop stop,
int distance) |
StopNotLinkedForTransfers(TransitStop stop) |
StopUnlinked(TransitStop stop) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
TransitStop |
NearbyStopFinder.StopAtDistance.tstop |
Constructor and Description |
StopAtDistance(TransitStop tstop,
double dist) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
TransitType.fulfillDemands(TransitStop ts,
Graph graph) |
abstract boolean |
AbstractStopTester.fulfillDemands(TransitStop ts,
Graph graph) |
boolean |
IStopTester.fulfillDemands(TransitStop ts,
Graph graph) |
boolean |
UnconnectedStop.fulfillDemands(TransitStop ts,
Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
TransitStop |
the location of this state
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Map<TransitStop,int[]> |
StopTreeCache.distancesForStop |<TransitStop,ProfileState> |
RoundBasedProfileRouter.retainedStates |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<TransitStop> |
MultiProfileStateStore.keys() |
Collection<TransitStop> |
SingleProfileStateStore.keys() |
Collection<TransitStop> |
the transit stops represented
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
MultiProfileStateStore.containsKey(TransitStop transitStop) |
boolean |
SingleProfileStateStore.containsKey(TransitStop transitStop) |
boolean |
ProfileStateStore.containsKey(TransitStop transitStop) |
Collection<ProfileState> |
MultiProfileStateStore.get(TransitStop tstop) |
Collection<ProfileState> |
SingleProfileStateStore.get(TransitStop tstop) |
Collection<ProfileState> |
ProfileStateStore.get(TransitStop tstop)
get the nondominated states at a particular vertex
Collection<ProfileState> |
RoundBasedProfileRouter.nondominated(Collection<ProfileState> original,
TransitStop tstop)
from a collection of profile states at a transit stop, return a collection of all the nondominated states
void |
StopTreeCache.propagateStop(TransitStop transitStop,
int baseTimeSeconds,
double walkSpeed,
int[] targetArray)
Given a travel time to a transit stop, fill in the array with minimum travel times to all nearby street vertices.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
---|---|<TransitStop> |
The best time to reach each stop in any round by transit only, not by transfer from another stop.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<TransitStop> |
get all the stops that were reached in the current round, either via transfers or directly
Collection<TransitStop> |
PathDiscardingRaptorStateStore.getTouchedStopsIncludingTransfers() |
gnu.trove.iterator.TObjectIntIterator<TransitStop> |
get an iterator over the states of this store
gnu.trove.iterator.TObjectIntIterator<TransitStop> |
PathDiscardingRaptorStateStore.iterator() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
RaptorStateStore.getPrev(TransitStop t)
get the best time for a given stop after the last round, including transfers
int |
PathDiscardingRaptorStateStore.getPrev(TransitStop t) |
int |
RaptorStateStore.getTime(TransitStop t)
get the best time for a given stop that was reached by transit (not by transfers)
int |
PathDiscardingRaptorStateStore.getTime(TransitStop t) |
boolean |
RaptorStateStore.put(TransitStop stop,
int clockTime,
boolean transfer)
Add a state to this store, with the given clock time (seconds since midnight)
boolean |
PathDiscardingRaptorStateStore.put(TransitStop t,
int time,
boolean transfer) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
TransitStop[] |
TripPattern.stopVertices |
Constructor and Description |
IntersectionTransitLink(OsmVertex intersection,
TransitStop tstop,
int lengthMeters) |
IntersectionTransitLink(TransitStop tstop,
OsmVertex intersection,
int lengthMeters) |
PreAlightEdge(TransitStopArrive from,
TransitStop to) |
PreBoardEdge(TransitStop from,
TransitStopDepart to) |
SimpleTransfer(TransitStop from,
TransitStop to,
double distance,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString geometry) |
SimpleTransfer(TransitStop from,
TransitStop to,
double distance,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString geometry,
List<Edge> edges) |
StationStopEdge(TransitStation from,
TransitStop to) |
StationStopEdge(TransitStop from,
TransitStation to) |
StreetTransitLink(StreetVertex fromv,
TransitStop tov,
boolean wheelchairAccessible) |
StreetTransitLink(TransitStop fromv,
StreetVertex tov,
boolean wheelchairAccessible) |
Constructor and Description |
TemporaryPreAlightEdge(TransitStopArrive from,
TransitStop to) |
TemporaryPreBoardEdge(TransitStop from,
TransitStopDepart to) |
TemporaryStreetTransitLink(StreetVertex fromv,
TransitStop tov,
boolean wheelchairAccessible) |
TemporaryStreetTransitLink(TransitStop fromv,
StreetVertex tov,
boolean wheelchairAccessible) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
GtfsFlexGraphModifier.createDirectHop(RoutingRequest rr,
FlexPatternHop originalPatternHop,
TransitStop fromStop,
TransitStop toStop,
GraphPath path) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Map<Stop,TransitStop> |
GraphIndex.stopVertexForStop |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<TransitStop> |
StreetVertexIndexService.getNearbyTransitStops(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate coordinate,
double radius)
Get all transit stops within a given distance of a coordinate
List<TransitStop> |
StreetVertexIndexService.getTransitStopForEnvelope(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope envelope) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TransitStop |
TransitStopArrive.getStopVertex() |
TransitStop |
TransitStopDepart.getStopVertex() |
Constructor and Description |
TransitStopArrive(Graph g,
Stop stop,
TransitStop stopVertex) |
TransitStopDepart(Graph graph,
Stop stop,
TransitStop stopVertex) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
TemporaryTransitStop |
Constructor and Description |
TemporaryTransitStopArrive(Stop stop,
TransitStop transitStop) |
TemporaryTransitStopDepart(Stop stop,
TransitStop transitStop) |
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