Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Vertex[] |
SampleSet.v0s |
Vertex[] |
SampleSet.v1s |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
---|---|<Vertex> |
TimeSurface.times |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
TimeSurface.getTime(Vertex v) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Vertex |
Sample.v0 |
Vertex |
Sample.v1 |
Constructor and Description |
Sample(Vertex v0,
int d0,
Vertex v1,
int d1) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vertex |
Subgraph.getRepresentativeVertex() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Iterator<Vertex> |
Subgraph.stopIterator() |
Iterator<Vertex> |
Subgraph.streetIterator() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Subgraph.addVertex(Vertex vertex) |
boolean |
Subgraph.contains(Vertex vertex) |
boolean |
Subgraph.containsStreet(Vertex vertex) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vertex |
NonStationParentStation.getReferencedVertex() |
Vertex |
StopNotLinkedForTransfers.getReferencedVertex() |
Vertex |
StopLinkedTooFar.getReferencedVertex() |
Vertex |
GraphConnectivity.getReferencedVertex() |
Vertex |
GraphBuilderAnnotation.getReferencedVertex() |
Vertex |
StopUnlinked.getReferencedVertex() |
Constructor and Description |
BogusVertexGeometry(Vertex vertex) |
GraphConnectivity(Vertex vertex,
int size) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vertex |
StreetSplitter.linkOriginDestination(GenericLocation location,
RoutingRequest options,
boolean endVertex)
Used to link origin and destination points to graph non destructively.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
StreetSplitter.linkToClosestWalkableEdge(Vertex vertex,
boolean destructiveSplitting,
boolean createSemiPermanentEdges)
Link this vertex into the graph to the closest walkable edge.
boolean |
StreetSplitter.linkToGraph(Vertex vertex,
TraverseMode traverseMode,
RoutingRequest options,
boolean destructiveSplitting,
boolean createSemiPermanentEdges)
Link a vertex into the graph to the closest edge that allows the traversal of the specified mode.
boolean |
StreetSplitter.linkToGraph(Vertex vertex,
TraverseModeSet traverseModeSet,
RoutingRequest options,
boolean destructiveSplitting,
boolean createSemiPermanentEdges)
Link this vertex into the graph (ie, connect the vertex to other vertices in the graph by creating one or more
new edges/vertexes which are then connected to the other vertices/edges of the graph.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<NearbyStopFinder.StopAtDistance> |
NearbyStopFinder.findNearbyStops(Vertex vertex)
Return all stops within a certain radius of the given vertex, using network distance along streets.
Set<NearbyStopFinder.StopAtDistance> |
NearbyStopFinder.findNearbyStopsConsideringPatterns(Vertex vertex)
Find all unique nearby stops that are the closest stop on some trip pattern.
List<NearbyStopFinder.StopAtDistance> |
NearbyStopFinder.findNearbyStopsEuclidean(Vertex originVertex)
Return all stops within a certain radius of the given vertex, using straight-line distance independent of streets.
List<NearbyStopFinder.StopAtDistance> |
NearbyStopFinder.findNearbyStopsViaStreets(Vertex originVertex)
Return all stops within a certain radius of the given vertex, using network distance along streets.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected List<Edge> |
MatchState.getOutgoingMatchableEdges(Vertex vertex) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
EdgeVertexTileRenderer.EdgeVertexRenderer.renderVertex(Vertex v,
EdgeVertexTileRenderer.VertexVisualAttributes attrs) |
boolean |
WheelchairEdgeRenderer.renderVertex(Vertex v,
EdgeVertexTileRenderer.VertexVisualAttributes attrs) |
boolean |
BikeSafetyEdgeRenderer.renderVertex(Vertex v,
EdgeVertexTileRenderer.VertexVisualAttributes attrs) |
boolean |
TraversalPermissionsEdgeRenderer.renderVertex(Vertex v,
EdgeVertexTileRenderer.VertexVisualAttributes attrs) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DisjointSet<Vertex> |
AnalysisUtils.getConnectedComponents(Graph graph) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Map<Vertex,TimeRange> |
AnalystProfileRouterPrototype.propagatedTimes |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Collection<Edge> |
GraphLibrary.getIncomingEdges(Graph graph,
Vertex tov,
Map<Vertex,List<Edge>> extraEdges) |
static Collection<Edge> |
GraphLibrary.getOutgoingEdges(Graph graph,
Vertex fromv,
Map<Vertex,List<Edge>> extraEdges) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Collection<Edge> |
GraphLibrary.getIncomingEdges(Graph graph,
Vertex tov,
Map<Vertex,List<Edge>> extraEdges) |
static Collection<Edge> |
GraphLibrary.getOutgoingEdges(Graph graph,
Vertex fromv,
Map<Vertex,List<Edge>> extraEdges) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
SearchTerminationStrategy.shouldSearchTerminate(Vertex origin,
Vertex target,
State current,
ShortestPathTree spt,
RoutingRequest traverseOptions) |
boolean |
MultiTargetTerminationStrategy.shouldSearchTerminate(Vertex origin,
Vertex target,
State current,
ShortestPathTree spt,
RoutingRequest traverseOptions)
Updates the list of reached targets and returns True if all the
targets have been reached.
boolean |
SkipEdgeStrategy.shouldSkipEdge(Vertex origin,
Vertex target,
State current,
Edge edge,
ShortestPathTree spt,
RoutingRequest traverseOptions) |
boolean |
SkipTraverseResultStrategy.shouldSkipTraversalResult(Vertex origin,
Vertex target,
State parent,
State current,
ShortestPathTree spt,
RoutingRequest traverseOptions) |
Constructor and Description |
MultiTargetTerminationStrategy(Set<Vertex> targets) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Vertex |
RoutingContext.fromVertex |
Vertex |
RoutingContext.origin |
Vertex |
RoutingContext.startingStop |
Vertex | |
Vertex |
RoutingContext.toVertex |
protected Vertex |
State.vertex |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Collection<Vertex> |
Temporary vertices created during the request.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vertex |
StateEditor.getVertex() |
Vertex |
State.getVertex() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<Vertex> |
A single Vertex can appear once or twice.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
OverlayGraph.addIncoming(Vertex tov,
Edge e) |
void |
OverlayGraph.addOutgoing(Vertex fromv,
Edge e) |
int | v0,
Vertex v1) |
boolean |
OverlayGraph.containsVertex(Vertex vertex) |
T |
VertexMap.get(Vertex v) |
int |
OverlayGraph.getDegreeIn(Vertex v) |
int |
OverlayGraph.getDegreeOut(Vertex v) |
List<Edge> |
OverlayGraph.getIncoming(Vertex v) |
List<Edge> |
OverlayGraph.getOutgoing(Vertex v) |
boolean |
RoutingContext.isWheelchairAccessible(Vertex v) |
void |
OverlayGraph.removeIncoming(Vertex tov,
Edge e) |
void |
OverlayGraph.removeOutgoing(Vertex fromv,
Edge e) |
void |
OverlayGraph.removeVertex(Vertex vertex) |
void |
VertexMap.set(Vertex v,
T elem) |
void |
RoutingRequest.setRoutingContext(Graph graph,
Edge fromBackEdge,
Vertex from,
Vertex to)
For use in tests.
void |
RoutingRequest.setRoutingContext(Graph graph,
Vertex from,
Vertex to) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
MortonVertexComparator |
MortonVertexComparatorFactory.getComparator(List<Vertex> domain) |
void |
RoutingRequest.setRoutingContext(Graph graph,
Collection<Vertex> temporaryVertices) |
Constructor and Description |
RoutingContext(RoutingRequest routingRequest,
Graph graph,
Vertex from,
Vertex to)
Constructor that takes to/from vertices as input.
State(Vertex vertex,
Edge backEdge,
long timeSeconds,
long startTime,
RoutingRequest options)
Create an initial state, forcing vertex, back edge, time and start time to the specified values.
State(Vertex vertex,
Edge backEdge,
long timeSeconds,
RoutingRequest options)
Create an initial state, forcing vertex, back edge and time to the specified values.
State(Vertex vertex,
long timeSeconds,
RoutingRequest options)
Create an initial state, forcing vertex and time to the specified values.
State(Vertex vertex,
RoutingRequest opt)
Create an initial state, forcing vertex to the specified value.
StateEditor(RoutingRequest options,
Vertex v) |
Constructor and Description |
MortonVertexComparator(List<Vertex> domain) |
RoutingContext(RoutingRequest routingRequest,
Graph graph,
Collection<Vertex> temporaryVertices)
Constructor that automatically computes origin/target from RoutingRequest, and sets the
context's temporary vertices.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vertex |
StreetTransitLink.getFromVertex() |
Vertex |
StreetBikeParkLink.getFromVertex() |
Vertex |
StreetTransitLink.getToVertex() |
Vertex |
StreetBikeParkLink.getToVertex() |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Map<T2<Stop,Trip>,Vertex> |
GtfsStopContext.patternArriveNodes |
Map<T2<Stop,Trip>,Vertex> |
GtfsStopContext.patternDepartNodes |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vertex |
CarPermissionSearch.findVertexWithPermission(Vertex vertex,
TraverseMode mode) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vertex |
CarPermissionSearch.findVertexWithPermission(Vertex vertex,
TraverseMode mode) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Vertex |
Edge.fromv |
protected Vertex |
Edge.tov |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Map<String,Vertex> |
GraphIndex.vertexForId |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vertex |
Edge.getFromVertex() |
Vertex |
Edge.getToVertex() |
Vertex |
Graph.getVertex(String label) |
Vertex |
Graph.getVertexById(int id)
Returns the vertex with the given ID or null if none is present.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Comparator<? super Vertex> |
VertexComparatorFactory.getComparator(List<Vertex> vertexById) |
HashMap<Vertex,Double> |
Graph.getKnownElevations() |
Collection<Vertex> |
Get all the vertices in the graph.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Graph.addVertex(Vertex v)
Add the given vertex to the graph.
double |
Vertex.azimuthTo(Vertex other)
Get the bearing, in degrees, between this vertex and another.
boolean |
Graph.containsVertex(Vertex v) |
boolean |
Edge.ValidVertexTypes.isValid(Vertex from,
Vertex to) |
void |
Graph.remove(Vertex vertex) |
void |
Graph.removeVertex(Vertex v)
Removes a vertex from the graph.
void |
Graph.removeVertexAndEdges(Vertex vertex) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Comparator<? super Vertex> |
VertexComparatorFactory.getComparator(List<Vertex> vertexById) |
void |
Graph.setKnownElevations(HashMap<Vertex,Double> knownElevations) |
Constructor and Description |
Edge(Vertex v1,
Vertex v2) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vertex |
OnBoardDepartServiceImpl.setupDepartOnBoard(RoutingContext ctx) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
Represents a location on a street, somewhere between the two corners.
class |
TemporaryStreetLocation |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vertex |
StreetVertexIndexService.getSampleVertexAt(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate coordinate,
boolean dest)
Get a vertex at a given coordinate, using the same logic as in Samples.
Vertex |
StreetVertexIndexService.getVertexForLocation(GenericLocation loc,
RoutingRequest options,
boolean endVertex)
Finds the appropriate vertex for this location.
Vertex |
OnBoardDepartService.setupDepartOnBoard(RoutingContext ctx) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<Vertex> |
StreetVertexIndexService.getVerticesForEnvelope(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope envelope)
Returns the vertices intersecting with the specified envelope.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vertex |
GraphPath.getEndVertex() |
Vertex |
GraphPath.getStartVertex() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<Vertex> |
ShortestPathTree.getVertices() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
GraphPath |
ShortestPathTree.getPath(Vertex dest,
boolean optimize) |
List<GraphPath> |
ShortestPathTree.getPaths(Vertex dest,
boolean optimize) |
State |
ShortestPathTree.getState(Vertex dest)
Returns the 'best' state for the given Vertex, where 'best' depends on the implementation.
List<State> |
ShortestPathTree.getStates(Vertex dest)
Returns a collection of 'interesting' states for the given Vertex.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Set<Map.Entry<Vertex,ArrayList<Edge>>> |
NullExtraEdges.entrySet() |
Set<Vertex> |
NullExtraEdges.keySet() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ArrayList<Edge> |
NullExtraEdges.put(Vertex arg0,
ArrayList<Edge> arg1) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
NullExtraEdges.putAll(Map<? extends Vertex,? extends ArrayList<Edge>> arg0) |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
This vertex is created from all barrier tags.
class |
A vertex for a bike park.
class |
A vertex for a bike rental station.
class |
A vertex for a car rental station.
class |
ElevatorOffboardVertex |
class |
ElevatorOnboardVertex |
class |
ExitVertex |
class |
Represents an ordinary location in space, typically an intersection.
class |
OffboardVertex |
class |
A vertex acting as a starting point for planning a trip while onboard an existing trip.
class |
OnboardVertex |
class |
A vertex coming from OpenStreetMap.
class |
A vertex for a park and ride area.
class |
PatternArriveVertex |
class |
PatternDepartVertex |
class |
PatternStopVertex |
class |
An interface for modelling all possible vehicle rental vertices.
class |
A vertex representing a Sample in the Analyst sense -- a temporary and nondestructive linkage of
a single geographic point into the street network.
class |
This class models a vertex that is used to connect split StreetEdges to semi-permanent vertices such as bike rental
class |
A vertex representing a place along a street between two intersections that is not derived from an OSM node,
but is instead the result of breaking that street segment into two pieces in order to connect it to
a transit stop.
class |
Abstract base class for vertices in the street layer of the graph.
class |
TODO: decide what to do with this.
class |
TransitStation |
class |
Common abstract superclass for Stations and Stops.
class |
TransitStop |
class |
TransitStopArrive |
class |
TransitStopDepart |
class |
A vertex for an OSM node that represents a transit stop and has a ref=(stop_code) tag.
class |
Abstract base class for vertices in the GTFS layer of the graph.
class |
A vertex for a vehicle rental station.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Collection<Vertex> |
TemporaryVertex.dispose(Vertex vertex)
This method traverses the subgraph of temporary vertices, and cuts that subgraph off from
the main graph at each point it encounters a non-temporary vertexes.
static Collection<Vertex> |
TemporaryVertex.disposeAll(Collection<Vertex> vertices)
This method traverses the subgraph of all temporary vertices connected to the collection,
and removes connections to the main graph.
static Collection<Vertex> |
TemporaryVertex.findSubgraph(Vertex vertex)
Return the subgraph of temporary vertices which are connected to this vertex.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Collection<Vertex> |
TemporaryVertex.dispose(Vertex vertex)
This method traverses the subgraph of temporary vertices, and cuts that subgraph off from
the main graph at each point it encounters a non-temporary vertexes.
static Collection<Vertex> |
TemporaryVertex.findSubgraph(Vertex vertex)
Return the subgraph of temporary vertices which are connected to this vertex.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Collection<Vertex> |
TemporaryVertex.disposeAll(Collection<Vertex> vertices)
This method traverses the subgraph of all temporary vertices connected to the collection,
and removes connections to the main graph.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
TemporaryPatternArriveVertex |
class |
TemporaryPatternDepartVertex |
class |
TemporaryTransitStop |
class |
TemporaryTransitStopArrive |
class |
TemporaryTransitStopDepart |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ShowGraph.highlightVertex(Vertex v) |
void |
ShowGraph.zoomToVertex(Vertex v) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
ShowGraph.setHighlightedVertices(List<Vertex> vertices) |
void |
ShowGraph.setHighlightedVertices(Set<Vertex> vertices) |
void |
VertexSelectionListener.verticesSelected(List<Vertex> selected) |
void |
GraphVisualizer.verticesSelected(List<Vertex> selected) |
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