Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
StreetSplitter.removeEdgeFromIdx(StreetEdge edge) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Map<StreetEdge,List<ElevationPoint>> | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
OpenStreetMapModule.Handler.applyWayProperties(StreetEdge street,
StreetEdge backStreet,
WayProperties wayData,
OSMWithTags way) |
void |
PortlandCustomNamer.nameWithEdge(OSMWithTags way,
StreetEdge edge) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
StreetEdge |
StreetEdgeFactory.createEdge(IntersectionVertex startEndpoint,
IntersectionVertex endEndpoint,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString geometry,
I18NString name,
double length,
StreetTraversalPermission permissions,
boolean back) |
StreetEdge |
DefaultStreetEdgeFactory.createEdge(IntersectionVertex startEndpoint,
IntersectionVertex endEndpoint,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString geometry,
I18NString name,
double length,
StreetTraversalPermission permissions,
boolean back) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
CustomNamer.nameWithEdge(OSMWithTags way,
StreetEdge edge) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected int |
AbstractIntersectionTraversalCostModel.calculateTurnAngle(StreetEdge from,
StreetEdge to,
RoutingRequest options)
Calculates the turn angle from the incoming/outgoing edges and routing request.
boolean |
TraversalRequirements.canBeTraversed(StreetEdge e)
Returns true if this StreetEdge can be traversed.
void |
RoutingRequest.canSplitEdge(StreetEdge edge)
Does nothing if different edge is split in origin/destination search
But throws TrivialPathException if same edge is split in origin/destination search.
protected double |
AbstractIntersectionTraversalCostModel.computeNonDrivingTraversalCost(IntersectionVertex v,
StreetEdge from,
StreetEdge to,
float fromSpeed,
float toSpeed)
Computes the turn cost in seconds for non-driving traversal modes.
double |
ConstantIntersectionTraversalCostModel.computeTraversalCost(IntersectionVertex v,
StreetEdge from,
StreetEdge to,
TraverseMode mode,
RoutingRequest options,
float fromSpeed,
float toSpeed) |
double |
SimpleIntersectionTraversalCostModel.computeTraversalCost(IntersectionVertex v,
StreetEdge from,
StreetEdge to,
TraverseMode mode,
RoutingRequest options,
float fromSpeed,
float toSpeed) |
abstract double |
AbstractIntersectionTraversalCostModel.computeTraversalCost(IntersectionVertex v,
StreetEdge from,
StreetEdge to,
TraverseMode mode,
RoutingRequest options,
float fromSpeed,
float toSpeed) |
double |
IntersectionTraversalCostModel.computeTraversalCost(IntersectionVertex v,
StreetEdge from,
StreetEdge to,
TraverseMode mode,
RoutingRequest options,
float fromSpeed,
float toSpeed)
Compute the cost of turning onto "to" from "from".
boolean |
State.isCarRentalDropoffAllowed(StreetEdge theEdge,
boolean droppingOffAtDesignatedDropoffArea)
Check if the current search state would allow for the dropoff of a rental car.
boolean |
State.isTNCStopAllowed(StreetEdge theEdge) |
boolean |
State.isVehicleRentalDropoffAllowed(StreetEdge theEdge,
boolean droppingOffAtDesignatedDropoffArea)
Check if the current search state would allow for the dropoff of a rental vehicle.
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
class |
AreaEdge |
class |
This class is used to model a StreetEdge that has been non-destructively split from another StreetEdge.
class |
This class is used to model a SemiPermanent StreetEdge that was non-destructively split from another StreetEdge.
class |
A StreetEdge with elevation data.
class |
This class models a StreetEdge that was non-destructively split from another StreetEdge for the purposes of modeling
StreetEdges that should only be valid for a single request.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected StreetEdge |
The edge on which this lies.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
StreetEdge |
StreetEdge.clone() |
StreetEdge |
TemporaryPartialStreetEdge.getParentEdge() |
StreetEdge |
PartialStreetEdge.getParentEdge() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
P2<StreetEdge> |
StreetEdge.split(SplitterVertex splitterVertex,
boolean destructive,
boolean createSemiPermanentEdges)
Split this street edge and return the resulting street edges.
P2<StreetEdge> |
SemiPermanentPartialStreetEdge.split(SplitterVertex splitterVertex,
boolean destructive,
boolean createSemiPermanentEdges)
Make sure that the only way to split a SemiPermanentPartialStreetEdge is with a TemporarySplitterVertex.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
StreetEdge.shareData(StreetEdge reversedEdge) |
Constructor and Description |
PartialStreetEdge(StreetEdge parentEdge,
StreetVertex v1,
StreetVertex v2,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString geometry,
I18NString name,
double length)
Create a new partial street edge along the given 'parentEdge' from 'v1' to 'v2'.
SemiPermanentPartialStreetEdge(StreetEdge streetEdge,
StreetVertex v1,
StreetVertex v2,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString geometry,
I18NString name) |
TemporaryPartialStreetEdge(StreetEdge parentEdge,
StreetVertex v1,
StreetVertex v2,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.LineString geometry,
I18NString name,
double length) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<StreetEdge> |
Return only the StreetEdges in the graph.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TemporaryStreetLocation |
StreetVertexIndexService.createTemporaryStreetLocation(Graph graph,
String label,
I18NString name,
Iterable<StreetEdge> edges,
org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate nearestPoint,
boolean endVertex)
Creates a TemporaryStreetLocation on the given street (set of PlainStreetEdges).
Constructor and Description |
SemiPermanentSplitterVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
StreetEdge streetEdge) |
SplitterVertex(Graph g,
String label,
double x,
double y,
StreetEdge streetEdge) |
TemporarySplitterVertex(String label,
double x,
double y,
StreetEdge streetEdge,
boolean endVertex) |
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