Package | Description |
org.opentripplanner.api.model | |
org.opentripplanner.api.parameter |
This package contains classes which interpret incoming HTTP query parameters.
org.opentripplanner.graph_builder.linking | |
org.opentripplanner.gtfs |
This package contains a GTFS loader library.
org.opentripplanner.profile | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.core | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.edgetype | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.flex | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.graph | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.transit_index | |
org.opentripplanner.routing.vertextype | |
org.opentripplanner.util |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
HashSet<TraverseMode> |
RouterInfo.transitModes |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
TraverseMode |
QualifiedMode.mode |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
StreetSplitter.linkToGraph(Vertex vertex,
TraverseMode traverseMode,
RoutingRequest options,
boolean destructiveSplitting,
boolean createSemiPermanentEdges)
Link a vertex into the graph to the closest edge that allows the traversal of the specified mode.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TraverseMode |
GtfsLibrary.getTraverseMode(Route route) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
TraverseMode |
Segment.mode |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected TraverseMode |
The mode that was used to traverse the state's backEdge
protected TraverseMode |
The mode of travel to use when not traveling on transit.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TraverseMode |
State.getBackMode() |
TraverseMode |
This method is on State rather than RoutingRequest because we care whether the user is in
possession of a rented bike.
static TraverseMode |
TraverseMode.valueOf(String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static TraverseMode[] |
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
List<TraverseMode> |
TraverseModeSet.getModes() |
static Set<TraverseMode> |
TraverseMode.internSet(Set<TraverseMode> modeSet) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RoutingRequest.addMode(TraverseMode mode)
Add a TraverseMode to the set of allowed modes.
void |
StateEditor.beginVehicleRenting(TraverseMode vehicleMode) |
double |
ConstantIntersectionTraversalCostModel.computeTraversalCost(IntersectionVertex v,
StreetEdge from,
StreetEdge to,
TraverseMode mode,
RoutingRequest options,
float fromSpeed,
float toSpeed) |
double |
SimpleIntersectionTraversalCostModel.computeTraversalCost(IntersectionVertex v,
StreetEdge from,
StreetEdge to,
TraverseMode mode,
RoutingRequest options,
float fromSpeed,
float toSpeed) |
abstract double |
AbstractIntersectionTraversalCostModel.computeTraversalCost(IntersectionVertex v,
StreetEdge from,
StreetEdge to,
TraverseMode mode,
RoutingRequest options,
float fromSpeed,
float toSpeed) |
double |
IntersectionTraversalCostModel.computeTraversalCost(IntersectionVertex v,
StreetEdge from,
StreetEdge to,
TraverseMode mode,
RoutingRequest options,
float fromSpeed,
float toSpeed)
Compute the cost of turning onto "to" from "from".
boolean |
TraverseModeSet.contains(TraverseMode mode) |
int |
RoutingRequest.getAlightTime(TraverseMode transitMode) |
int |
RoutingRequest.getBoardCost(TraverseMode mode) |
int |
RoutingRequest.getBoardTime(TraverseMode transitMode) |
double |
RoutingRequest.getSpeed(TraverseMode mode) |
void |
RoutingRequest.removeMode(TraverseMode mode) |
void |
StateEditor.setBackMode(TraverseMode mode) |
void |
RoutingRequest.setMode(TraverseMode mode) |
void |
TraverseModeSet.setMode(TraverseMode mode,
boolean value) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
RoutingRequest.addMode(List<TraverseMode> mList)
Add multiple modes to the set of allowed modes.
static Set<TraverseMode> |
TraverseMode.internSet(Set<TraverseMode> modeSet) |
Constructor and Description |
RoutingRequest(TraverseMode mode) |
RoutingRequest(TraverseMode mode,
OptimizeType optimize) |
TraverseModeSet(TraverseMode... modes) |
Constructor and Description |
TraverseModeSet(Collection<TraverseMode> modeList) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
TraverseMode |
The traverse mode for all trips in this pattern.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TraverseMode |
TransitBoardAlight.getMode() |
TraverseMode |
PatternHop.getMode() |
TraverseMode |
PreAlightEdge.getMode() |
TraverseMode |
OnBoardDepartPatternHop.getMode() |
TraverseMode |
StreetTransitLink.getMode() |
TraverseMode |
PreBoardEdge.getMode() |
TraverseMode |
PathwayEdge.getMode() |
TraverseMode |
PatternDwell.getMode() |
TraverseMode |
TransferEdge.getMode() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
boolean |
StreetTraversalPermission.allows(TraverseMode mode)
Returns true if the given mode is allowed to use this street.
double |
StreetEdge.calculateSpeed(RoutingRequest options,
TraverseMode traverseMode,
long timeMillis)
Calculate the speed appropriately given the RoutingRequest and traverseMode and the current wall clock time.
double |
StreetWithElevationEdge.calculateSpeed(RoutingRequest options,
TraverseMode traverseMode,
long timeMillis)
Override the calculateSpeed method, but only do special calculations for Micromobility.
boolean |
StreetEdge.canTraverseIncludingBarrier(TraverseMode mode)
This checks if start or end vertex is bollard
If it is it creates intersection of street edge permissions
and from/to barriers.
boolean |
StreetEdge.canTurnOnto(Edge e,
State state,
TraverseMode mode) |
Constructor and Description |
TransitBoardAlight(PatternStopVertex fromPatternStop,
TransitStopArrive toStationVertex,
int stopIndex,
TraverseMode mode)
Alighting constructor (PatternStopVertex --> TransitStopArrive)
TransitBoardAlight(TransitStopDepart fromStopVertex,
PatternStopVertex toPatternVertex,
int stopIndex,
TraverseMode mode)
Boarding constructor (TransitStopDepart --> PatternStopVertex)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TraverseMode |
DeviatedRouteGraphModifier.getMode() |
TraverseMode |
FlagStopGraphModifier.getMode() |
abstract TraverseMode |
Return the mode that the graph search should be in.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Vertex |
CarPermissionSearch.findVertexWithPermission(Vertex vertex,
TraverseMode mode) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
Map<TraverseMode,Integer> |
Has information how much time alighting a vehicle takes.
Map<TraverseMode,Integer> |
Has information how much time boarding a vehicle takes.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HashSet<TraverseMode> |
Graph.getTransitModes() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Graph.addTransitMode(TraverseMode mode)
Adds mode of transport to transit modes in graph
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TraverseMode |
RouteVariant.getTraverseMode() |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
TraverseMode |
Tell the routing algorithm what kind of vehicle is being rented or dropped off here.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
TransitStop.addMode(TraverseMode mode) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<TravelOption> |
TravelOptionsMaker.makeOptions(HashSet<TraverseMode> transitModes,
boolean hasBikeSharing,
boolean hasBikeRide,
boolean hasParkRide) |
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