Package | Description |
org.opentripplanner.scripting.api |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected OtpsPopulation |
OtpsIndividual.population |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
OtpsPopulation |
OtpsEntryPoint.createEmptyPopulation() |
OtpsPopulation |
OtpsEntryPoint.createGridPopulation(double top,
double bottom,
double left,
double right,
int rows,
int cols)
Create a grid of evently spaced points in a rectangle.
OtpsPopulation |
OtpsEntryPoint.loadCSVPopulation(String filename,
String latColName,
String lonColName)
Load a population from a CSV file.
protected static OtpsPopulation |
OtpsPopulation.loadFromCSV(String filename,
String latColName,
String lonColName) |
OtpsPopulation |
OtpsEntryPoint.loadRasterPopulation(String filename)
Load a population from a raster (GeoTIFF) file.
Constructor and Description |
OtpsIndividual(double lat,
double lon,
String[] data,
OtpsPopulation population) |
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