- All Implemented Interfaces:
- WayPropertySetSource
public class UKWayPropertySetSource
extends Object
implements WayPropertySetSource
OSM way properties for UK roads.
The main differences compared to the default property set are:
1. In the UK there is no real distinction between trunk highways and primary highways, other than the
body responsible for them. Most highway=trunk and highway=trunk_link will allow traversal by all modes.
2. Speeds have been set to reflect average free flow road speeds provided by UK DfT. In particular
note that a distinction is made between tertiary and unclassified/residential roads. The default has these
the same (25mph) but in the UK tertiary roads are considered by OSM tagging guidelines to be busy unclassified
through roads wide enough to allow two cars to pass safely. The free flow speeds are therefore higher.
These changes result in more realistic driving routes.
- Author:
- marcusyoung
- See Also: